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Andrew Balneaves, WWI Letter - February 15th

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Identifier: D28410003
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  • 1918



France Feb 15th 1918

Dear Lizir (?)

If I remember right I had a letter from you while you were with Kate. I also got a parcel of chocolate from Mataura and Bill got one from Mac at the same time. I wrote a letter to Kate and for her to send it on so you have it by the time this reaches you. I wrote about our bit of shooting. Well I heard quietly that I had topped the score for the 2nd Otago’s so that is not too bad all on service conditions....
The way I heard of it was this. I was sitting in the corner of the hut and one of the other chaps started talking about one of the other chaps and another cove came to light with the information but could not say the name. He knew it was Bal something so someone supplied the rest and here we are. Tonight we all received a buckshee parcel from the Otago and Southland Womens Patriotic Assn. I had a tin of tobacco and a tin of lollies in mine and Bill a tin of tongues, a tin of sugar, and a tin of coffee. Of course as usual the parcels were all ratted before they got to us; As the chap at the pierrots says “Dear Mither the quarter-masters staff are having a busy time of it just now with the buckshee parcels extracting the socks and milk”. Comprie See more

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