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Andrew Balneaves, WWI Letter - September 22nd

 Digital Image
Identifier: D28410006
Page 1
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  • 1918




Sept 22nd 1918

Dear Kate

So you have let Corfe go into camp again. He is a fool (excuse me) and I only hope he does not get through with the training. I am sorry to hear he got into camp after this first spin and think he must have pushed in with the crowd. Charlie is also anxious to come over here and he will be just as anxious to get back again. I only hope it is all over before they get this far and that we are all on the way back...
to you again. I see a photo of a draft leaving Dunedin in the Witness and they do look downhearted. Still it is not such a bad old war when you get a six week course at school and your mates are going for the Hun. Bill & I were away back watching the papers and wondering what our crowd were doing. At one time the corps lost all trace of our See more

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