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Box 21


Contains 28 Results:

SHERIDAN, Michael Patrick interviewed by Lynne Grove

 Record Group — Box: 21
Identifier: H0041
Overview Michael recalls his early life, education, and employment on NZ railways. He gives a detailed narration of his passion/interest of the horse racing industry in Southland and New Zealand i.e. history, breeding, race meetings, jockeys and commentators etc.
Dates: 2007

SAYER, Dorothy Myrle interviewed by Avis McDonald

 Record Group — Box: 21
Identifier: H0063
Overview Myrle talks of her family background, life, religion, education and growing up in Balfour where her family were the local bakers. She goes onto to tell of her employment history - at the local Grocer’s shop, looking after children for the Farry family in Gore and joining the Air Force at the outbreak of World War 2. After the war she talks of her marriage and family.
Dates: 2011

Abstract of Dorothy Myrle SAYER, 2011

 Item — Box: 21
Identifier: H00630002
Abstract DOROTHY MYRLE SAYERS Interviewer: Avis McDonald Abstracter: Jean Hawkes TRACK 100:00 Interview identification00:58 DOROTHY MYRLE SAYERS born in 192301:09 Recording Agreement01:34 FATHER – HUGH HALLIDAY MOTHER – MOLLY McGREGOR born in PALMERSTON (?)02:06 Self reared by GRANDPARENTS [known as 'mum' and 'dad'] – Stern Scottish Presbyterian upbringing02:50 Not taken out...
Dates: 2011

STANTON, Jane Louise interviewed by Avis McDonald

 Record Group — Box: 21
Identifier: H0065
Overview This interview was recorded as part of the About Us Voices of Southland collection. In this interview Jane talks of her early life, family, her sporting interests, employment and personal relationships. She goes on to talk about her company the Seriously Good Chocolate Company its beginnings, evolution to the business it is today and her aspirations for it in the future.
Dates: 2011

Abstract of Jane Louise STANTON , 2020

 Item — Box: 21
Identifier: H00650002
Abstract Jane Louise StantonInterviewer: Avis McDonaldAbstracter: Gil BergDate: 24 May 2011Track 1 00.0 Interview Identification00.20 JANE LOUISE STANTON born in 195900.53 Father ANTHONY RAYMOND SKINGTON (?sp) born in HAWERA and occupation a BUILDER.01.10 Mother MARGARET JUNE SKINGTON (?sp) born in HOKITIKA occupation SCHOOL PRINCIPAL. Brothers Paul Skington (?sp) born in Auckland now lives in Melbourne ...
Dates: 2020

Abstract of Michael Patrick SHERIDAN, 2007

 Item — Box: 21
Identifier: H00410002
Abstract Interviewer: Lynne Grove Abstracter: Jean Hawkes MICHAEL PATRICK SHERIDANTRACK 100:00 Interview identification00:29 MICHAEL PATRICK SHERIDAN born in OTAUTAU in 193400:40 Father's name PATRICK – may have been born in RIVERTON 1898 – Grader driver at OTAUTAU00:51 Mother's name ELIZABETH born at MILTON 1908 – Domestic01:20 [CHILDHOOD]: Mostly war years – Not much...
Dates: 2007