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Winton Jockey Club Cup Day [November 16 1927], 1927

 Item — drawer: West 6 d
Identifier: S17600013
Winton Jockey Club Cup Day [November 16 1927]
Winton Jockey Club Cup Day [November 16 1927]


Wide panorama shot of the crowd and grandstand taken from the track. Stables, tote stand, and members stand all visible. Taken on Winton Jockey Club Cup Day 16 November 1927.


  • 1927


Conditions Governing Use

This item has no known copyright restrictions. Please acknowledge Invercargill City Libraries and Archives, Ref: A0520 S17600013, when re-using this image.


From the Series: 13 photograph(s) (Drawer: West 6 d)

From the Series: 2 digital object (Digital Archive)

Language of Materials

From the Series: English

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