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Chatton Road School

 Record Group
Identifier: A0177


  • Majority of material found within 1893 - 1899

Chatton Road School

Very little information is known about Chatton Road School. When Pinnacle School closed the children in the Whiterig area became very isolated. By 1893, a new school was built beside Chatton Road, 3km north of Whiterig corner, to remedy this problem.

The first entry on the school roll is on 19 December 1893 and records indicate that the school continued until July 1899, perhaps even to the end of that year.

In Southland Education Board...
records for the school only two teachers’ names feature; Agnes Gray, who was appointed on 1 February 1894 and Sarah M. McDonald who taught there from 1898-1900. It is likely that Sarah McDonald taught until the school closed. The building was then shifted and became known as Waikaka Siding School in 1906.

- Notes by E.M. Easton -

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