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East Gore School

 Record Group
Identifier: A0191

School status

Open school [1886 - present]


  • Majority of material found within 1893 - 1970

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East Gore School

Once the district was settled, attention was given to education. As the larger number of children in the area lived in the Waikaka Valley, the first school was built at the corner of Section 1A, Block 1, Waikaka Survey District, and named "Pinnacle School" which opened 19 April 1877. Its location meant that many East Gore Children had a walk of 'a few miles' to school. However, Pinnacle School was the first public institution built in... Eastern Southland.

It was not, however, the first school in the district. Prior to its establishment, Mrs Gray had conducted a private school in a building ownd by Mr 'Ned' Brennan, on the site known as 'the triangle' and where later the band rotunda was built. There was another private school, to which three East Gore families sent their children. It was conducted by Mrs Williams in her home, which was opposite the Provincial Hotel. The new Gore School opened 1/10/1878 with Mr James Milne as Headmaster and was situated on essentially the same site as the school of 1936.

In 1882, moves were made to establish a school in the Gordon area, to avert danger to children who had to cross the then combined traffic and railway bridge. This initiative was strongly opposed by the community of Waikaka Siding (McNab), who favoured Pinnacle School. Eventually, the Gordon community's petition was successful and,in November 1885, tenders were called. Pinnacle School was then moved to Waikaka Valley, where it opened 1 December 1886, with a roll of 23 pupils. Gordon School Committee, on 31 december requested the Education Board, to erect a school-room to accommodate an average attendance of 130 pupils. The new school opened on 1 June 1886. A roll taken for the month of October 1887, showed an average attendance of 103.45 pupils for that month. There was a name change from Gordon School to East Gore School in 1907. Average attendance for December 1935 was 144, by which time there were 4 teachers.

- Notes by E. Easton -

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