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Abstract of Andrew James (Jim) DODDS, 1998

 Item — Box: 57
Identifier: H06160002


Andrew James (Jim) DODDS

Recorded: Friday 6 February 1998

Interviewer: Paulette McFarland

Abstracter: Dickon John Milnes


02.00’ Details PARENT'S occupations and place of origin. Includes FAMILY HISTORY of Grandparents and siblings.

05.00' Describes the HOUSE he grew up in. Gives details of the rooms, layout, and sleeping arrangements.

08.30' Describes SCHOOL DAYS at CHARLETON PRIMARY SCHOOL 1922 - 1930. Recalls that it was a school for...
training teachers.

09.60' The DEPRESSION led to interdependence between the neighbours.

09.801 Describes his IMPRESSIONS of SCHOOL - recalls the very harsh discipline.

11.50' Describes his SUBJECTS taught at school - recalls his LIKES and DISLIKES.

12.001 Recalls the REASONS for LEAVING SCHOOL.

12.60' All CHILDREN expected to WORK ON THE FARM. Lists their jobs - milking cows, and making lunches.

13.20' Describes JOBS held by him after LEAVING SCHOOL. Works for the neighbour at 9/6d a week - gives details of the job. Lived in a hut, meals were included in the wage. Drove a team of horses and milked the cows.

15.40' Had a LACK OF SPARE TIME - there were too many jobs to do. Provides details of these jobs.

16.40’ Describes the BUTTER MAKING PROCESS. Gives details.

17.10' Describes how he met his wife.

18.60' Gives details of his CHURCH.

19.80' Describes the MUSIC at the DANCES. Instruments included a piano, accordion, and a violin.

21.00' Describes his ENGAGEMENT and WEDDING SERVICE.

25.00' Describes his FIRST PAID JOB - gives details of it. Was milking cows.

26.00' His Working carrier was entirely on farms.

26.30' Was CONSCRIPTED into the army in World War Two but RELEASED and sent to work on JENKIN'S FARM.

27.00' Describes JOBS PERFORNŒD on JERKIN'S FARM. Gives details - driving horses, lambing, feeding, shearing, checking stock. Describes the horses - numbers and jobs performed by them. Details the breeds of the horses and sheep.


00.40' Describes HOLIDAYS when young. Gives details of their locations - OWAKA, OTAWA, RIVERTON.

04.30' Describes FIRST FARM OWNED by him and his wife. Was a 1000 acre tussock block. Gives details of the house, and rooms. Describes a DAY ON THE FARM - getting water, feeding horses, working on the farm, milking cows.

08.00' Describes his FIRST CAR – VAUXHALL two seater.

08.70' Describes process of CLEARING his farm of rabbits and hares.

11.60' Gives the LOCATION of the FARM. Details the cost of the block to rent and to buy.

13.20' Describes CLEARING the LAND. Details the process - ploughing, buying horses, condition of the soil.

18.20' Details the TYPE of STOCK on - main stock was ROMNEY EWES, cows were mixed breeds. STOCK NUMBERS IMPROVE when the swamp is drained.

21.60' Describes CHANGES in STOCK TYPE as time progresses. However, still mainly confined to Romneys.

23.00' Recalls WHERE STOCK SOLD. Most sold to NORTH OTAGO and SOUTH CANTERBURY. Lambs went to the freezing works. Buyers for stock were found through stock agents.

24.301 Mentions that he DID NOT use a BANK. Uses his STOCK MANAGER instead.

25.20' Describes the EFFECT of IMPROVED ROADS on the farm. They enabled goods to be delivered quickly - uses LIME as an example.

27.60' Describes and gives details of the LIME SPREADING MACHINERY. This was horse drawn, was made by McALLISTAIR off a German model.


00.40' Describes some of the EQUIPMENT used on the FARM. Gives details of the WAGONS. Were all horse drawn. Lists the different WAGONS - tip dray, road dray. Describes carting lime and manure using a horse and cart. Also describes PLOUGHING with a horse.

07.40' Details the AMOUNT and COST and FERTILIZER used on his farm.

09.00' Recalls the WATERFRONT STRIKE of 1952/3

09.80' Describes the NEW EQUIPMENT that has SUPERSEDED that used in his day tractors, hay bailors. Believes the main improvement has been with speed.

13.00' Describes the SIZE and COST of FARMS when young and old - JENKIN'S FARM, PARENTS FARM used as examples.


18.10' Recalls the INDUSTRY OWNED FARMS - SOUTHLAND FROZEN MEAT COMPANY These developed a lot of VIRGIN LAND. Also employed a lot of people details some of their jobs.

21.20' Recalls the IMPORTANCE of the SOUTHLAND FROZEN MEAT COMPANY - they owned two freezing works at MATAURA and MAKARIWA.

23.20' Describes the JOBS performed by WOMEN. List them - cooking all meals, cleaning, helping to milk the cows.

29.10' Recalls the BEST FEED for COWS.


00.30' Describes feelings as being a farmer/farm worker.

02.30' Describes SOCIAL LIFE while on the farm - neighbours, concerts, choir recitals, get togethers.

03.90' Describes the EXCURSIONS into TOWN. Would go once or twice a month. Recalls ORDERING the GROCERIES. Describes the relationships with workers on his farm.

06.40' Describes attending A AND P SHOWS while young. Lists the events - Dairy cow trains and shows, special trains for exhibits, sideshows.

08.60' Mentions DOG TRIALS.

09.10' Describes SIDESHOWS at the A & P SHOWS. Was very impressed with some of them.

12.80' Describes the EFFECT of the 1930s DEPRESSION on own farm and the area. Everybody was poor, clothes handed down within family and between neighbours, farm equipment was lent out to those who needed it.

15.10' Describes the effect of WORLD WAR TWO. RATIONING introduced, Neighbours share farm equipment.

17.60' Describes MILITARY TRAINING.

19.20' Describes his and his family's ATTITUDE to ALCOHOL.

22.70’ Gives advice to any who listens to the tape.
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  • 1998

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