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Abstract of Caroline Marjory HOLMES, 2021

 Item — Box: 30
Identifier: H02040002


Interviewee: Carolyn Marjorie Holmes.

Interviewer: Rebecca Admundsen

Abstractor: Barbara Gillam

Date of Interview: 2nd July 2014

0.10 Carolyn Marjorie Holmes.

1.10 Originally born in ENGLAND and brought up in SCOTLAND. Went to BOTSWANA after marriage. Then HONG KONG, EDINBURGH before Glengarry.

1.40 Moved because her husband was a VET.

4.00 Youngest children mostly educated in HONG KONG.

5.04 Cultural differences of places she lived in.

Spoke some SETSWANA in Botswana.

9.34 Cultural differences in New Zealand.

11.34 Class differences in Botswana and Hong Kong.

13.59 Arrived in Glengarry 2007.

Track 2

0.09 Describes her feelings about Invercargill city centre.

0.37 First impressions of Glengarry.

4.05 How she became friends with a local lady.

5.00 PAINTING and interest in ART.

6.20 Joined the ART SOCIETY.

7.00 The art she wanted to do for the shops.

8.04 FIRST IMPRESSIONS group in Glengarry.

10.45 Using the space by the LAUNDERETTE in Glengarry.

13.00 Collaborative work in Glengarry Art Space.

Track 3

0.00 Making Glengarry more attractive through art.

0.30 Outside Mosaic flowers. 1.30 The community art.

6.30 Made a giant ram, Gary of Glengarry, for the SANTA PARADE

8.42 After Gary, then made Glenda, Gary's girlfriend.

10.46 Saturday Market.

12.30 Children and parents doing crafts

Track 4

1.50 Making paper lanterns for the lantern festival

2.00 Made jandals for POLYFEST

6.50 Part time job in the mornings with AUTISTIC child.

7.20 Rest of day working on ART and SHOPPING CENTRE.

11.00 Lots of people contribute to the art.

11.40 Area generally very safe. For a brief time there were people with hoodies, not from the area who looked “quite scary”. Nasty feeling at the time but not any more

12.40 Mosaic took hundreds of hours to make and involved many people: over 20 people making petal. Over 50 overall plus children


0.0 Involvement of community members. Connection to the work being done.

1.00 People look through the windows to see what’s going on

8.30 Importance of this community involvement. Value of people’s contributions

10.15 People knowing there is a place they can go and do something worthwhile
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  • 2021

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