Abstract of Margaret Robina PALMER, 2021
Item — Box: 39
Identifier: H04540002
Margaret Robina Palmer
Interviewer: Tessa Smith
Date: 30 May 2021
Abstracter: Tessa Smith
00:00 Interview introduction
01:00 MARGARET ROBINA PALMER born in 1934
01:23 Interview agreement
02:10 Named after grandmother, ROBENA LAWRENCE, who married JAMES (JIM) BRUCE
02:46 Name change from ROBENA to ROBINA
03:10 Known as ROBINA not MARGARET. Explains
03:52 Father was from TYREE FERRY. Moved to EDENDALE in 1920s
04:00 Father and his brother-in-law,... GEORGE VALENTINE, bought farm in GLENHAM. Lost due to GREAT DEPRESSION
04:34 Grandfather on mother's side was THOMAS PARNELL RABBIDGE who came from ENGLAND Grandmother was MARGARET McClaren and lived at CAMP HILL near WYNDHAM
05:04 Mother, MAY RABBIDGE, helped sick family members during 1918 SPANISH FLU PANDEMIC in WYNDHAM DISTRICT
06:41 Parents got married in July 1929. Started DAIRY FARMING in GLENHAM near TYNE HOLM
08:16 Description of GLENHAM TOWNSHIP during childhood
08:28 Family's PRESBYTARIAN beliefs
09:03 Transport to and from WYNDHAM on horse and gig and to school on ponies
11:08 Going to work at GLENHAM STORE
11:50 WORLD WAR TWO memories
12:53 Uncle, TOM RABBIDGE, was in army band when deployed in CAIRO, EGYPT
14:30 Father failed fitness test so did not go to war
14:45 "DAD'S ARMY type of thing"
15:00 End of TRACK 1
00:10 D-DAY in GLENHAM
01:07 Size of GLENHAM community & GLENHAM PRIMARY SCHOOL
01:44 Description of home life and chores
02:33 Washing and using 'the copper'
03:42 Weekly routine detailed
03:52 Father made bacon yearly. Explains process
04:50 Involvement in farmwork detailed. Milking process described
08:00 Haymaking process and community involvement in it
09:13 Gathering spring water for drinking
09:56 Playing in the stream and catching cockabullies
11:04 New Year's Day traditions detailed. Trips to FORTROSE and games
12:57 Bible class in WYNDHAM
13:59 First telephone. Party line detailed
15:00 End of TRACK 2
00:55 Holidaying in FORTROSE at the boarding house
01:20 Holidaying in BLUFF at WEST FAMILY house
03:26 Details extreme weather in GLENHAM
04:10 Sledding in the paddocks during the winter
05:18 School holiday activities detailed. Rabbitting, ferreting, and 'scrubbing gorse'
08:47 Mother getting measles
10:06 Illnesses in childhood. ROXBURGH HEALTH CAMP mentioned. DOROTHY BRUCE getting sick numerous times. DR BAIRD administering treatment.
11:39 DOROTHY BRUCE getting pleurisy at 19. Inpatient care at WAIKARI HOSPITAL in DUNEDIN
12:19 Being a shop assistant at GLENHAM STORE
12:54 Move to ROXBURGH
13:11 Married in 1960 to EDWIN (TED) PALMER
13:19 TED was a 'Southland boy'. Moved back to INVERCARGILL
13:52 Meeting foreign people for the first time in ROXBURGH
15:00 End of TRACK 3
01:18 Meeting TED
02:04 Visiting TED's sisters in TUATAPERE and ORAWIA
02:41 Discusses SOUTHLAND accent
03:47 End of TRACK 4
00:06 Riding ponies to school. HUNTER HOWE on his horse, PEGGITY
01:22 Living in INVERCARGILL. TED working on DEE STREET and biking through QUEENS PARK
01:54 Working in a shop owned by BOYES FAMILY on CHELMSFORD STREET
02:53 Parties at SYLVIA HUNTER'S farm in MABEL BUSH described
03:19 Election Night parties discussed
04:49 Trips to the coast; WAIMAHAKA, FORTROSE, TITIROA, and PINE BUSH
05:35 Outgrowing horses and buying bigger ones
06:12 'Welcome home parties' for soliders from the GLENHAM area after WORLD WAR TWO
07:35 FRANK BULLING, owner of GLENHAM STORE, and grocery ordering and delivering. Describes
09:46 Life after leaving SOUTHLAND; moving amongst TIMARU, CHRISTCHURCH, and NELSON
11:24 Getting a job at SEALORD as a Fish Line Processing Worker
12:28 Adoption of daughters, GILL PALMER and JAN SMITH
15:00 End of TRACK 5 See more
Interviewer: Tessa Smith
Date: 30 May 2021
Abstracter: Tessa Smith
00:00 Interview introduction
01:00 MARGARET ROBINA PALMER born in 1934
01:23 Interview agreement
02:10 Named after grandmother, ROBENA LAWRENCE, who married JAMES (JIM) BRUCE
02:46 Name change from ROBENA to ROBINA
03:10 Known as ROBINA not MARGARET. Explains
03:52 Father was from TYREE FERRY. Moved to EDENDALE in 1920s
04:00 Father and his brother-in-law,... GEORGE VALENTINE, bought farm in GLENHAM. Lost due to GREAT DEPRESSION
04:34 Grandfather on mother's side was THOMAS PARNELL RABBIDGE who came from ENGLAND Grandmother was MARGARET McClaren and lived at CAMP HILL near WYNDHAM
05:04 Mother, MAY RABBIDGE, helped sick family members during 1918 SPANISH FLU PANDEMIC in WYNDHAM DISTRICT
06:41 Parents got married in July 1929. Started DAIRY FARMING in GLENHAM near TYNE HOLM
08:16 Description of GLENHAM TOWNSHIP during childhood
08:28 Family's PRESBYTARIAN beliefs
09:03 Transport to and from WYNDHAM on horse and gig and to school on ponies
11:08 Going to work at GLENHAM STORE
11:50 WORLD WAR TWO memories
12:53 Uncle, TOM RABBIDGE, was in army band when deployed in CAIRO, EGYPT
14:30 Father failed fitness test so did not go to war
14:45 "DAD'S ARMY type of thing"
15:00 End of TRACK 1
00:10 D-DAY in GLENHAM
01:07 Size of GLENHAM community & GLENHAM PRIMARY SCHOOL
01:44 Description of home life and chores
02:33 Washing and using 'the copper'
03:42 Weekly routine detailed
03:52 Father made bacon yearly. Explains process
04:50 Involvement in farmwork detailed. Milking process described
08:00 Haymaking process and community involvement in it
09:13 Gathering spring water for drinking
09:56 Playing in the stream and catching cockabullies
11:04 New Year's Day traditions detailed. Trips to FORTROSE and games
12:57 Bible class in WYNDHAM
13:59 First telephone. Party line detailed
15:00 End of TRACK 2
00:55 Holidaying in FORTROSE at the boarding house
01:20 Holidaying in BLUFF at WEST FAMILY house
03:26 Details extreme weather in GLENHAM
04:10 Sledding in the paddocks during the winter
05:18 School holiday activities detailed. Rabbitting, ferreting, and 'scrubbing gorse'
08:47 Mother getting measles
10:06 Illnesses in childhood. ROXBURGH HEALTH CAMP mentioned. DOROTHY BRUCE getting sick numerous times. DR BAIRD administering treatment.
11:39 DOROTHY BRUCE getting pleurisy at 19. Inpatient care at WAIKARI HOSPITAL in DUNEDIN
12:19 Being a shop assistant at GLENHAM STORE
12:54 Move to ROXBURGH
13:11 Married in 1960 to EDWIN (TED) PALMER
13:19 TED was a 'Southland boy'. Moved back to INVERCARGILL
13:52 Meeting foreign people for the first time in ROXBURGH
15:00 End of TRACK 3
01:18 Meeting TED
02:04 Visiting TED's sisters in TUATAPERE and ORAWIA
02:41 Discusses SOUTHLAND accent
03:47 End of TRACK 4
00:06 Riding ponies to school. HUNTER HOWE on his horse, PEGGITY
01:22 Living in INVERCARGILL. TED working on DEE STREET and biking through QUEENS PARK
01:54 Working in a shop owned by BOYES FAMILY on CHELMSFORD STREET
02:53 Parties at SYLVIA HUNTER'S farm in MABEL BUSH described
03:19 Election Night parties discussed
04:49 Trips to the coast; WAIMAHAKA, FORTROSE, TITIROA, and PINE BUSH
05:35 Outgrowing horses and buying bigger ones
06:12 'Welcome home parties' for soliders from the GLENHAM area after WORLD WAR TWO
07:35 FRANK BULLING, owner of GLENHAM STORE, and grocery ordering and delivering. Describes
09:46 Life after leaving SOUTHLAND; moving amongst TIMARU, CHRISTCHURCH, and NELSON
11:24 Getting a job at SEALORD as a Fish Line Processing Worker
12:28 Adoption of daughters, GILL PALMER and JAN SMITH
15:00 End of TRACK 5 See more
- 2021
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- From the Record Group: Smith, Tessa (Interviewer, Person)
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