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Abstract of Sadie Margaret LAKE, 2020

 Item — Box: 17
Identifier: H00840002


Sadie Margaret Lake

Interviewer: Janice Hopcroft Templeton

Abstracter: Linda Cooper

Interview date: 9 September 2011


00:00 Interview identification

00:29 Name SADIE MARGARET LAKE, Born in 1929

00:40 Interview agreement

01:14 Interview commences

01:26 [FAMILY BACKGROUND] Father was WILLIAM ROBERT ARMSTRONG – Father possibly born GUMMIES BUSH or RIVERTON – Paternal grandfather WILLIAM ARMSTRONG born in BROUGHSHANE area of NORTHERN...
IRELAND – Mother CHARLOTTE ROSE (LOTTIE) CUNNINGHAM born in Riverton as only daughter, with three brothers – Maternal grandparents possibly came from AUSTRALIA

02:40 Has few early memories

02:49 [WAIPANGO, N.Z.] Was born and lived at farm at BIRCH BUSH in WAIPANGO near RIVERTON – delivered by local MIDWIFE KATE GRIFFITHS [born KATE ANDERSON], wife of GEORGE GRIFFITHS – ANDERSON family farm later occupied by COWAN family after they moved from Birch Bush – Explains location of Birch Bush farm

04:20 [End of Track 1]


00:08 Interviewer [JANICE HOPCROFT TEMPLETON] explains location of WAIPANGO in relation to RIVERTON and OTAUTAU

00:18 Location of farm in relation to river explained – Tidal POURAKINO RIVER composed one-third of farm’s boundary – [PLAY AND RECREATION] Family swam and picnicked there on summer Sundays when tide was in

00:50 Order of ARMSTRONG siblings was MADGE [MARJORY], KATHLEEN (called BARNEY), BILL [WILLIAM], ANDY [ANDREW], SADIE, and ISABEL – Youngest sister DOROTHY died in infancy

01:15 Describes geography of river – big mudflats – riverbed wide in LONGWOODS [LONGWOOD RANGE] – became THE NARROWS on way to estuary at confluence of APARIMA and POURAKINO RIVERS

02:06 Mentions official excursion up POURAKINO RIVER to BLACKWATER – Included a Governor-General, most likely LORD PLUNKET [SIR WILLIAM LEE PLUNKET, 5TH BARON] – Recalls tables “like a big trestle” and shelter built constructed in honour of visit – Flooding many years later carried tables to Armstrong property – Tables brought home by siblings and self – Photos of excursion remain – One photo labeled PLUNKET’S LANDING taken at the BLACKWATER area – PLUNKET SOCIETY named after that Governor-General

04:25 [JANICE HOPCROFT TEMPLETON]: photograph exists of long, shallow boat (used in that excursion) called the MANA – copy of photograph presumably in Riverton Museum archives

05:00 Father died when self aged 7 – Few recollections of him – Father was lifelong FARMER and reportedly CONSERVATIONIST – Farm called BIRCH BUSH – Land cleared all around – Stand of lovely birch trees remained – [NATURE CONSERVATION] Father protected it from MILLS – Birch not long-lived so bush now dying off – [JANICE HOPCROFT TEMPLETON]: present owner reports regeneration of birch bush

06:10 Describes 5-bedroom home as spacious – One small lounge – Sheltered by bush – People very impressed by modern, solid, well-built house – self was first of children born at new house – Mentions the “old house”, at one time occupied by ANDERSONS who may have come from PORT CHALMERS

07:38 [End of Track 2]



1:05 [BUILDING INDUSTRY] Builder and designer of new house was [STAN] MITCHELL of RIVERTON

1:23 Timber likely brought from RAILHEAD at Riverton – Very large fenced-in yard – Describes big timber delivery wagon left behind – [PLAY AND RECREATION] Wagon served as marvelous pirate ship for children’s play

02:10 [ARCHITECTURAL FEATURES] Details very solidly built new HOUSE at BIRCH BUSH – Built-in wardrobes and cupboards, sliding doors, servery between kitchen and dining room – Innovative for its time – Timbers, possibly sycamore, measuring up to 4 feet – Tongue and groove ceilings – Remarkable JOINERY in high dining room ceiling – large lamp hanging over dining table

03:28 New house likely notable in district – Other newer homes existed, but many others were like the old house – Milling area contained comparatively small colonial cottage-style dwellings

4:10 House not considered different from others – Father must have been doing well to afford it when built in 1927 or 1928

04:53 [DEPRESSIONS – 1929] – Recalls WOOL PRICES during GREAT DEPRESSION – [FAMILY STORY] father mistakenly opened neighbour’s mail and learned neighbour received three pence per pound of wool – father received a farthing less

05:50 [CATTLE FARMING] Father kept SHEEP and CATTLE – No DAIRY enterprise, just house cows [EXPRESSION] – ARMSTRONG STOCK well-known – Feisty and well-bred cattle – GRAZING LAND possibly leased at BLACKWATER up the POURAKINO RIVER – Father tried to buy back farm at WAIHOKA where he had been brought up – Describes location of WAIHOKA relative to TE WAEWAE BAY on the FOVEAUX STRAIT – Mentions trees growing at 45-degree angle due to wind – Name of place was BLACKMOUNT – Area located on the road to TE ANAU – Cattle would be driven from BLACKMOUNT to WAIPANGO, a big undertaking

07:05 Father likely one of area’s bigger farmers – [AGRICULTURAL MACHINERY] Father not an early adopter compared to others – Maintained HORSE TEAMS rather than TRACTORS

07:32 Recalls HORSE STABLE, likely still there – Reportedly oldest standing structure in district – Stable dates back prior to Andersons’ tenure – Remembers many horses’ names and their individual stalls – Horse team included Mick, Jean, Jock (draught horse), Bloss and Dolly, among others

08:24 [RURAL WORKERS] Recalls men were always employed to care for horses during father’s lifetime – Records left in father’s FARM DIARY mentioned men by name, such as JIM WHITE – [HOUSEHOLD HELP] Diary mentioned ladies helping in house

08:50 FARM DIARY purely business-related – Self looked up own date of birth in farm diary – No mention of new baby, only shifting of sheep from one paddock to another

09:12 Father was FARMER and keen FOOTBALL & RUGBY player [SPORT] – Rugby photos show tall man, bald despite young age

09:40 [RURAL WORKERS] HIRED MEN likely lived in old house – Prior to new house, men likely lived in even older hut – Mother likely provided meals with help from hired ladies – Cooking facilities at old house were OPEN FIRE and CAMP OVEN – Better cooking facilities at new house. References: COAL RANGE; SUPERHEATER

10:46 [RIVERTON, N.Z.] Initial mention of home of paternal grandmother [SARAH ANN HOPCROFT ARMSTRONG] on PALMERSTON STREET in RIVERTON

10:51 Mother likely provided FARM HANDS/TEAMSTERS with morning tea and packed lunch

11:28 [BUILDING INDUSTRY] COTTAGE built [by HUNTER MCKENZIE] around 1939, after father’s death. Explains – cottage accommodated married couples hired to help run farm – mother also helped by firms like J.R. MILLS – wonderful help from HOPCROFT family

12:19 Brothers BILL and ANDY [WILLIAM ARMSTRONG and ANDREW ARMSTRONG] aged 9 and 11 at time of father’s death – brothers ran farm years later – [EDUCATION] Brother BILL went to PRIMARY and SECONDARY SCHOOL in INVERCARGILL. Explains. Reference: STANDARD SIX; TECHNICAL COLLEGE – No memory of ANDREW’S education

13:08 [EDUCATION] Describes WILD BUSH SCHOOL (later called WAIPANGO SCHOOL) – Older and younger students separated by curtain – Sat beside MADGE [MARJORY ARMSTRONG] initially – SCHOOL BUS driven by BETH ROBB (born BETH BRYCE) – Bus driven by Beth’s younger siblings during her wartime Army service – After return, BETH ROBB drove school bus for decades – Lovely lady

14:16 A school called BIRCH BUSH (SCHOOL) was formerly located in bush – Located on farm not far from house – Sheltered by bush

15:00 [End of Track 3]


00:00 BIRCH BUSH SCHOOL – Unsure whether PRIVATE SCHOOL or run by EDUCATION BOARD – Non-birch trees were present, including ELDERBERRY – Trees suggest dwelling or school stood at that spot

00:38 SCHOOL PHOTO from WILD BUSH/WAIPANGO SCHOOL exists showing all six ARMSTRONG children

00:55 [EDUCATION] Self went to RIVERTON DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL – [RIVERTON, N.Z.] Stayed in RIVERTON with Aunt IRIS [MARGARET IRIS ARMSTRONG] at paternal grandparents’ home at corner of PALMERSTON and DELHI STREETS – [FAMILY STORY] Grandfather habitually referred to “about time we had some of the bairns down” [EXPRESSION] – Siblings spent holidays there in pairs (MADGE and BARNEY; BILL and ANDY; ISABEL and self)

01:35 Paternal grandmother outlived father – Grandparents’ home central point or halfway house [EXPRESSION] often visited by extended family and friends – [TELECOMMUNICATIONS] Telephone calls were made both before and after visits to RIVERTON – [FARM PRODUCE] Took FARM PRODUCE like EGGS, BUTTER, MILK

02:24 [TRAVEL AND TRANSPORTATION] Family had [FORD] MODEL T – Mentions 1935 and 1939 CHEVROLETS or “Chev” [EXPRESSION] – Self lived at PALMERSTON STREET house in RIVERTON during high school and first job – Largely taught to drive by Aunt IRIS – Recalls early driving lessons – Had to steer around 45-degree corner by FACTORY while aunt operated pedals – Not licenced as driver until 1951

03:55 [EDUCATION] Talks about school days – PRIMARY SCHOOL CLASS SIZE was four (three boys and self) – Pupils sent to Riverton for period of weeks while WILD BUSH/WAIPANGO SCHOOL was rebuilt or renovated – School expanded to accommodate two rooms and two teachers – addition of office and RUNNING WATER – Attended HIGH SCHOOL for 2.5 years in RIVERTON while living at home of paternal grandmother and Aunt IRIS [MARGARET IRIS ARMSTRONG]

05:04 [TRAVEL AND TRANSPORTATION] BIKED home on weekends over GRAVEL ROADS – No one else in family had BICYCLE until ISABEL went to high school – Occasionally able to hang onto HORSE CART of MR MCNAUGHTON as he went home from factory – This considered daring

06:00 Explains circumstances of [RIVERTON] CEMETERY along route home – Often visited home of aunt and uncle MARY AND BOB DAVIS and cousin MAUD (sp?) in cottage nearby – Felt at ease strolling in cemetery and visiting all family plots

06:39 Would go home from school for cooked lunch


07:53 [WORLD WAR, 1939-1945] TEACHER MR MURRAY had returned from service in SECOND WORLD WAR but did not talk about it –primary school teacher and FIRST WORLD WAR VETERAN MR [NAME UNCLEAR?] did talk about war – Class time spent discussing BBC NEWS instead of arithmetic

08:15 Recalls life during SECONDARY SCHOOL – Played BASKETBALL [SPORT] – Lived the life of Riley [EXPRESSION] – Few outdoor chores – Paid ROOM AND BOARD at grandmother’s home after getting job – Gave 15 shillings from EARNINGS of 19 and sixpence – Helped with yardwork and carrying wood and coal

09:00 Sister ISABEL also boarded at PALMERSTON STREET house during high school – Brother BILL boarded during first winter – [TRAVEL AND TRANSPORTATION] Brother BILL was transported from FACTORY CORNER in RIVERTON to TECHNICAL COLLEGE in INVERCARGILL on TOMMY CRAIG’s bus

09:34 [RETAIL TRADE] First job in office of GEORGE ROBERTSON DRAPERS [ROBERTSON BROS.] in RIVERTON – similar to department store. Explains. References: WOMEN’S CLOTHING, MATERIALS, MANCHESTER, WOMEN’S SHOES, MENSWEAR – Worked there for 18 months

10:19 [NURSING] Wanted to become STUDENT NURSE at KEW HOSPITAL [INVERCARGILL, now SOUTHLAND HOSPITAL] – First briefly worked at RIVERTON HOSPITAL as NURSING AIDE under MATRON MCDOWELL [sp?] and SISTER LILIAN GUISE – [HEALTH] Self diagnosed with TUBERCULOSIS shortly after starting at KEW HOSPITAL – Lived at nurses’ home in Riverton – not particularly strict – good fun – met nice people

11:30 [HEALTH] TUBERCULOSIS fortunately not advanced – Sent to WAIPIATA/ORANGAPAI SANATORIUM in MANIOTOTO VALLEY [CENTRAL OTAGO] – special eligibility as student nurse – waiting period only 3 months, no need to take own staff – symptoms were tiredness and chest pain – remained in hospital on bed rest during waiting period – Weekly visits from family – Describes DR HOWARD HUNTER – Doctor assured self not infectious

13:30 [TRAVEL AND TRANSPORTATION] Traveled to WAIPIATA by car – Accompanied by BARNEY [KATHLEEN], her husband BOB [ROBERT STANLEY FINDLAY], and ALBERT BAYLIS “BERT” HOPCROFT – Went through GORE and CENTRAL [EXPRESSION] – Big journey for all

14:15 Felt rather strange to be left at sanatorium – Rooms were open to the air – Shared ward with younger lass [LORNA BEDFORD] – View of faraway mountains across MANIOTOTO PLAINS – Describes feelings about new natural environment – Developed appreciation for mountains – Snow came into room

15:00 [End of Track 4]


00:00 Describes open-air rooms at ORANGAPAI SANATORIUM – Snow occasionally came in, laying at foot of bed – Describes floors, windows, and open space above windows

00:47 Had arrived at sanatorium early afternoon. Explains. References: REST HOUR; BRICK FACILITY; LANDSCAPING; STAFF. Soon became ‘up’ patient [EXPRESSION]

02:03 Age at time was about 18 – Recalls being accepting of situation – stoicism attributed to parentage – “whatever was coming your way, it happened” – recalls stayed at family home guestroom for two nights prior to trip to sanatorium – tuberculosis scary disease

02:57 Ward mate was named LORNA BEDFORD – Explains recent contact – LORNA BEDFORD presently living in DUNEDIN – [TUBERCULOSIS] recalls many BEDFORD family members were ill with TB and hospitalized in their hometown of OAMARU or at WAIPIATA – some ORANGAPAI patients were returnees – one patient in bed for 6 years – people with better prospects for recovery generally sent to ORANGAPAI SANATORIUM – people with poor prospects kept at local hospital annexes – explains own case was non-infectious

04:08 Admitted to ORANGAPAI SANATORIUM November 1947 – Stayed until February 1951 – [NURSING] Half that period spent working on nursing staff, part-time then full-time – Nursing there was simple “like being glorified housemaid” [EXPRESSION] – [TUBERCULOSIS] some TB patients had pneumothorax complication – Explains

05:07 Recalls carrying beds in and out of sunroom one day – unaware of process but skin colour indicated self becoming unwell – patients placed bets on how many more beds self could carry – conditions generally mild, no really unpleasant things observed

05:38 Came home to farm after leaving ORANGAPAI SANATORIUM – Sister MADGE [MARJORY] staying with DAVE [DAVID] AND ETHEL WHITE as MRS WHITE was unwell

06:05 Shortly after return home was contacted by friend met at WAIPIATA named DOROTHY McNAMEE [born DOROTHY MAY LAKE] – Friend asked self to come up to GARSTON for a fortnight to help after second child’s birth in LUMSDEN – at McNAMEE home self met future husband CHARLIE LAKE [CHARLES LAKE], brother of DOROTHY McNAMEE – New house but no electricity – [FAMILY STORY] self met Charlie “in lamplight, not very clear light”

07:00 Took CHARLIE LAKE home to meet family – Became engaged within three weeks – Explains

08:35 During engagement self would come back home – eldest child MADGE [MARJORY] always lived at home, looking after everyone – MADGE [MARJORY] then working elsewhere – [EMPLOYMENT] Self and CHARLES LAKE applied for job with CALDER WILSON and wife at GUMMIES BUSH – CHARLES LAKE lived in cottage at Wilson farm – [MARRIAGE] couple married in December [1951] at PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH in RIVERTON

09:15 [WEDDING RECEPTION] Held at RSA ROOMS opposite RAILWAY HOTEL in RIVERTON – Went to INVERCARGILL for wedding photos, as everyone did – [TRAVEL AND TRANSPORTATION] started HONEYMOON by flying in DOMINEE AIRCRAFT from INVERCARGILL to DUNEDIN. Explains. References: AIR TRAVEL; CHRISTCHURCH; CENTRAL OTAGO; GARSTON; LAKE FAMILY – returned to WILSON FAMILY FARM in GUMMIES BUSH – [EMPLOYMENT] worked there for 9 years – wonderful time



12:41 [HEATING] ARMSTRONG house had several FIREPLACES in addition to coal range. Explains. References: KITCHEN, DINING ROOM, SITTING ROOM, BEDROOMS

13:44 [WATER SUPPLY] Explains water situation at ARMSTRONG house. References: HOT RUNNING WATER; WATER TANK; PUMP – [ELECTRICITY] ARMSTRONG house initially had no electrical power – describes pre-electrical lighting – electrical power entailed annual rental charge – no recollection of electric range or washing machine – Three-room WASHHOUSE had dairy, storeroom […]

15:00 [End of Track 5]


00:00 Washing machine likely acquired eventually – KELVINATOR refrigerator acquired by ARMSTRONG household, after her marriage – Family not great on the “mod cons” (modern conveniences) [EXPRESSION] – [HEALTH] Bedroom fireplaces used only when very sick – CHIMNEY CLEANING done by family. Explains – [HOUSEWORK] Describes HOUSECLEANING efficiency of paternal grandmother SARAH ARMSTONG (born SARAH ANN HOPCROFT)

02:20 [HOUSEWORK] Women’s work not easy – Describes bathroom in paternal grandmother’s house – Hot water for weekly baths carried from washhouse. Explains. References: COPPER; BUCKETS; SASH WINDOWS; HAND BASIN

3:16 House at BIRCH BUSH had innovative BATH SEAT. Explains. References: BATHING; FEET AND KNEES; REUSE OF BATHWATER; AGE ORDER

04:20 [PLAY AND RECREATION] ARMSTRONG siblings played freely on farm. Explains. References: RUGBY; HOCKEY; TEAMS; IMAGINARY VILLAGES; PRETEND HOUSES; BUSH; SWIMMING; TOGS – marvelous freedom – Children’s routine affected by loss of father

06:28 Self once produced written account called “Sadie’s Story” – Account details memories of father, explaining self was thoroughly spoiled by father. Explains. References: RAZOR STROP; FORD MODEL T; FAMILY STORY; MISCHIEF; DISCIPLINE; TOBACCO; SMOKING; CIGARETTES; PIPE

08:38 Old house at BIRCH BUSH FARM surrounded by trees. Explains. References: ORCHARD; CHERRY; SYCAMORE; OAK; ANDERSONS – fruit and vegetables grown at new house. Explains. References: APPLE TREES; GOOSEBERRY BUSHES; RHUBARB; GARDEN – produce storage in storeroom – quantity of apples much less than HOPCROFT orchard

09:55 Mother did VEGETABLE GARDENING – self helped – flower garden was small – not much time after father died – [FAMILY STORY] mother once lost wedding ring in garden and wore curtain ring instead for holiday trip with father

11:04 [RURAL WORKERS] Teamsters worked horses – [SHEEP FARMING] SHEARING done at neighbouring COLLIS [sp?] farm, formerly owned by ROLLIE STEVENS [?] – small addition later built at back of stables – big SHEARING SHED subsequently added when brothers ran farm – SHEEP DIPPING done annually at ANDERSON’S located on road to WILD BUSH/WAIPANGO SCHOOL – same ANDERSON family that had moved from BIRCH BUSH to WAIPANGO ROAD

12:22 Self looked up to older sisters – BARNEY [KATHLEEN] worked at many district homes whenever another infant was arriving in a family – This included BERT HOPCROFT and MARGE HOPCROFT [born MARJORIE REIDIE] – BARNEY [KATHLEEN] worked nearly full-time – At lambing time BARNEY [KATHLEEN] served at Birch Bush as shepherd

13:10 Eldest sister MADGE [MARJORY] always in charge of house – [HEALTH] mother unwell. Explains. References: DIABETES; FATIGUE; INSULIN

14:00 MADGE [MARJORY] had friendship with excavator driver DON [DONALD] CHRISTIAN until he left district – After mother’s death MADGE [MARJORY] became cook at RIVERTON MATERNITY and later WINTON MATERNITY [CENTRE] – [LATE MARRIAGE] MADGE [MARJORY] married after reconnecting with then-widower DON [DONALD] CHRISTIAN

15:00 [End of Track 6]


00:00 MADGE [MARJORY] age 65 at time of marriage – [TRAVEL AND TRANSPORTATION] Prior to wedding MADGE [MARJORY] accompanied self and own husband CHARLES LAKE on trip to PERTH, AUSTRALIA – trio shopped for wedding attire. Explains. References: FROCKS; SHOES; MATRON OF HONOUR; FLOWER GIRL; SUIT – MADGE [MARJORY] enjoyed 7 years of marriage before her death

00:45 [TRAVEL AND TRANSPORTATION] Eldest sister MADGE [MARJORY] was well-traveled – often traveled with friend MAUD DAVIS or with group of ladies. Explains. References: AUCKLAND, NORFOLK ISLAND; AMERICA; TOKYO, JAPAN; UNITED KINGDOM

01:29 Brother ANDREW ARMSTRONG had limited education – [TRAVEL, SPORT] traveled in support of ALL-BLACKS RUGBY TEAM – ANDREW was capable photographer and knowledgeable about foreign countries – Recalls ANDREW received prize in school for asking best question to foreign presenter from AUSTRALIA

02:27 Interviewer [JANICE HOPCROFT TEMPLETON] alludes to loss of brother BILL [WILLIAM ARMSTRONG, 1926–1965] under sad circumstances [later clarified as ACCIDENTAL DROWNING]

02:40 Spent 9 wonderful years in GUMMIES BUSH at farm of CALDER AND PEG WILSON – Had three children there. References: MARGARET, BRUCE LAKE, IAN LAKE

03:15 Lived in old cottage until Wilsons built new house for them on lawn – Planned three-bedroom one-chimney house with MRS PEG WILSON – Moved things to new place in wheelbarrows

04:05 [FAMILY STORY] During demolition of old cottage Charlie [CHARLES LAKE] discovered old newspaper under the linoleum containing article about his grandfather, also CHARLES LAKE. Explains. References: MILITARY SERVICE; WORLD TRAVEL

04:40 Ian [IAN LAKE] was newborn at the time – family stayed three more years at Wilson farm – Marvelous time – Recalls remark from CALDER WILSON’S family about recreational activities of farm owner and hired man. Explains. References: FISHING; DUCK SHOOTING; DEER STALKING

05:20 [FAMILY STORY] Recalls time wee MARION [WILSON] relayed message from her father CALDER WILSON to Charlie to be ready for trip to WAIAU RIVER

05:36 Had wonderful times with WILSON family with reciprocal support – Wilsons took self to first ballet and concerts in Invercargill – self sometimes prepared meals during shearing

06:10 Farming was relaxed but done well – [FISHING] CHARLIE not into WHITEBAITING – [SPORT] Wilsons introduced Charlie and self to GOLF – [FAMILY STORY] When Charlie needed a DENTAL PROCEDURE, Wilsons influenced scheduling based on golf

06:55 [SPORT] Self and PEG WILSON would go 9-hole golfing in [AUSTIN] SHEERLINE car – [CHILDCARE] would park by first tee and leave first child MARGARET [LAKE] in back seat – people would check on child during golf – continued golfing even after other two kids were born – IVY WILSON and JOAN WILSON would babysit

07:57 Left GUMMIES BUSH to work for GILBERT WARD and SHIRLEY WARD in MOSSBURN – farm on main road between LUMSDEN and MOSSBURN – remained there less than three years – WARDS moved to SOUTH CANTERBURY – WARDS were going overseas – offered LAKES opportunity to manage farm in CLAREMONT outside TIMARU – LAKES spent one month in TEMUKA – then CHARLIE LAKE managed farm in CLAREMONT for a period of at least 2.5 years

09:45 Fourth and youngest child RICHARD born at Lumsden – first three children [MARGARET, BRUCE, IAN] went to school in CLAREMONT

10:10 CHARLIE LAKE stayed on at farm as GILBERT WARD wanted to give up farming himself – then had to return to farming – GILBERT WARD helped Charlie find another position

10:30 [EMPLOYMENT] Once again went through WRIGHT, STEPHENSON’s [STOCK AND STATION AGENTS] – came to EARL ROAD just west of TEMUKA to manage farm of ROB TALBOT [ROBERT LESLIE GAPPER TALBOT] – then a MEMBER OF PARLIAMENT for SOUTH CANTERBURY – stayed for 2.5 years after which son MICHAEL TALBOT [MICHAEL LESLIE SANDSTON TALBOT] came home and took over farm

11:02 On TALBOT farm, self and husband CHARLIE LAKE lived in what had been the homestead – ROB and ANNE TALBOT lived in a new house

11:15 Self and husband CHARLIE LAKE then came to live on HAYHURST STREET in TEMUKA where she still remains

11:30 Farm on EARL ROAD no longer in TALBOT family

11:35 After moving to TEMUKA, CHARLIE LAKE traveled daily for about a year – [EMPLOYMENT] CHARLIE LAKE then took job with TEMUKA TRANSPORT – [RETIREMENT] retired after 10 years but continued working for another 8 years

12:08 Regarding SOUTHLAND ROOTS, once a Southlander, always [a Southlander] [EXPRESSION] – self and husband CHARLIE LAKE often traveled back there – sister ISABEL [ISABEL ANNE ARMSTRONG GARNER] and her husband [LESLIE RICHARD (STRING) GARNER] would join them especially if RIVERTON/THE ROCKS was on the itinerary – always visited [RIVERTON] CEMETERY

12:53 Brothers WILLIAM (BILL) JOHN ARMSTRONG and ANDREW (ANDY) THOMAS ARMSTRONG had remained living at farm near RIVERTON – [DEATH] BILL died in accidental DROWNING [in 1965] – ANDY stayed on alone at farm – sister MARJORY (MADGE) IRIS ARMSTRONG CHRISTIAN was employed at RIVERTON MATERNITY – MADGE would do things for ANDY on her days off – brothers relied on MADGE and never employed a HOUSEKEEPER

13:23 MARJORY (MADGE) IRIS ARMSTRONG CHRISTIAN moved to WINTON – ANDY eventually sold Birch Bush farm and moved to small farm in GUMMIES BUSH between the hall and [DAIRY] FACTORY

13:46 [FAMILY NAME] No one remains with the ARMSTRONG SURNAME – a distant ARMSTRONG COUSIN died as a young man – self and sister ISABEL both have GRANDSONS bearing the second name ARMSTRONG

14:14 Many ARMSTRONG COUSINS still remain in the BROUGHSHANE/BALLYMENA/GREEN area of NORTHERN IRELAND – not so many are younger males – some family members have visited cousins in IRELAND

14:43 ARMSTRONG common surname in CANTERBURY but no family relation

15:00 [End of Track 1]


00:00 [HOPCROFT FAMILY] Paternal grandmother’s branch of family extremely prominent – HOPCROFTS were not well known by sister ISABEL ANNE ARMSTRONG GARNER and her husband [LESLIE RICHARD (STRING) GARNER], an army man, who lived outside SOUTH ISLAND most of married life

00:31 However, ISABEL had great friendship with a HOPCROFT who went to WELLINGTON, ANNIE CLEMENT MCKENZIE (born ANNIE HOPCROFT), aunt to BERT HOPCROFT and his sister [?]

00:55 Interviewer [JANICE HOPCROFT TEMPLETON] notes that in 2013 the HOPCROFTS will be celebrating 150 years living on the same property, and interviewee will likely be involved in that

1:11 ANNIE HOPCROFT [ANNIE CLEMENT MCKENZIE] married builder HUNTER MCKENZIE – they lived at THORNBURY – [BUILDING INDUSTRY] HUNTER MCKENZIE built several structures at BIRCH BUSH FARM. Explains. References: COTTAGE; CAR SHED; HUT – [WATER SUPPLY] water trough was later put in – allowed water to be pumped into the house

1:59 HUNTER MCKENZIE had his own building company with two other men working in it

02:08 Interviewer [JANICE HOPCROFT TEMPLETON] recalls hearing that builder HUNTER MCKENZIE never quite finished the upstairs part of the house in THORNBURY before they went to WELLINGTON – The cobbler’s children have no shoes [EXPRESSION]

02:55 Interviewer and self represent older generation of the HOPCROFT family – but young at heart [EXPRESSION]

03:04 Concluding comments and self-introduction by interviewer [JANICE HOPCROFT TEMPLETON]

03:55 End of Track 2


00:00 Interview extended to talk about maternal side of family – mother [CHARLOTTE (LOTTIE) ROSE CUNNINGHAM ARMSTRONG] was born a CUNNINGHAM but maternal grandmother [SARAH CLODE CUNNINGHAM] was born a CLODE – CLODES came from ENGLAND via AUSTRALIA – family connected to COLAC BAY area – mother lived on SHREWSBURY STREET in SOUTH RIVERTON – mother had three older brothers [ALFRED JOHN CUNNINGHAM, WILLIAM CUNNINGHAM, JOHN CUNNINGHAM] – like paternal aunt IRIS, mother was only daughter, and they were close friends

01:06 [EMPLOYMENT] Mother worked for a TAILORESS called MRS WINTON in RIVERTON – mother very skilled at SEWING – mother gave daughters sewing machines as wedding presents

01:34 When living in old house at WAIPANGO, mother was pleased to have VIEW of her hometown of SOUTH RIVERTON going towards the LONGWOOD RANGE

02:00 Mother’s childhood home on SHREWSBURY STREET was in colonial style – house recently renovated – describes specific location of house – maternal grandfather died young – worked as carrier with horse-drawn vehicle

03:07 No memory of Granny Cunningham [SARAH CLODE CUNNINGHAM] – her extensively renovated cupboard now in possession of self – recalls a visiting cousin remembered the cupboard as well as a jug on it commemorating QUEEN VICTORIA’S JUBILEE – self replied that they still had the jug

04:08 No memories of visiting maternal grandparents’ house on SHREWSBURY STREET as child – members of maternal grandmother’s CLODE family remain in area

04:37 Mother went to school in RIVERTON and was very fond of the town – very much a RIVERTONIAN

05:05 Speculates on mother’s visits to maternal grandparents, traveling over a bridge from WAIPANGO to SOUTH RIVERTON – visits infrequent if at all

05:20 Speculates on parents’ visits to paternal grandparents. Explains. References: young children, chores

05:50 Mother spent all of adult life at farm in WAIPANGO – mother died suddenly when self was living in MOSSBURN – Recalls hearing of mother’s death by telephone and going down to WAIPANGO

07:14 Mother’s funeral service held at ANGLICAN CHURCH in RIVERTON – afterwards had tea at home of DAVID HOPCROFT [WILLIAM DAVID HOPCROFT] and GWEN HOPCROFT [ELSIE IDA GWENDOLINE HOPCROFT] in RIVERTON – mother raised ANGLICAN, remained involved with church – mother buried next to father – RIVERTON CEMETERY an important place to self

07:56 End of Track 3
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  • 2020

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