Abstract of Sheila NATUSCH, 2019
Item — Box: 20
Identifier: H01450002
Sheila Natusch
Interviewer: Lee Wadds
Abstracter: Chontelle Syme
Disc 1
Track 1
2.24 Introduction
6.38 Chores at the TRAILL household at STEWART ISLAND. Explains.
8.00 TRAILL house and family life. Describes and explains.
10.23 ALEC (ALEXANDER ROY TRAILL). Sheila Natusch’s brother. Called ALEX incorrectly by other people. Known as Alec. Never called Alexander.
11.04 Making tea. Explains.
11.30 Father’s actions and questions about chores.... Explains.
12.22 Great Sewerage Scheme for STEWART ISLAND. Explains.
13.35 Southland Greater Council has idea to make Stewart Islanders pay for sewerage system. Explains.
Track 2
00.01 Walked to school down TRAILL ROAD. Explains. Mentions LEASK and DAWSON families and SCOFIELD HILL.
2.59 HALF MOON BAY SCHOOL. Bullied by DENNY SMITH. Explains.
3.20 Promoted to Standard Three ahead of the time. Academic success. Explains.
4.00 Life in Halfmoon Bay. Learning. Explains.
6.00 Strapping by teachers. Explains.
7.00 MR CAULDER and MR FINNIS. Explains.
8.30 Female teachers. Explains.
10.00 Growing beans growing outside the window and feeding seagulls. T M TURNER, photographer, came along when we were feeding seagulls, got it on film, but the children got in trouble. Photographs may have gone somewhere like the CANTERBURY MUSEUM. 12.49 MISS FINNIS and MISS MAJOR, working relationship, not fun relationship. Explains.
13.49 Influences. Explains.
14.55 Art.
Track 3
00.0 Art. Remembers enjoying drawing lessons. Explains. Taught by MR CAULDER. 1.0 Walking home at the end of the school day. Explains.
2.54 Love of nature - came from going out with parents on boat and pottering around PATERSON INLET. 3.50 ALEC didn't show interest in natural world but was masterful with a pencil.
5.25 Sheila’s friendship with Alec. Explains.
7.42 Describes ALEC.
8.24 Home from school activities. Explains.
9.15 Mother’s daily activities, with and without father at home. Explains.
11.36 Sheila’s after school activities, with and without father home. Food mentioned. Explains.
12.23 Used to get milk from MR JENSEN. Milk run. EXPLAINS.
Track 4
00.54 Linguistics of STEWART ISLAND. Explains.
01.25 FATHER wouldn't ask about school but would ask about SUNDAY SCHOOL. Explains.
2.18 Father not religious. Explains.
2.51 SHELIA questioned religion. Explains.
3.49 Father’s point of view on education, girls being educated and Sheila’s success at school.
5.18 Women’s roles in society. Explains. 6.50 Learning French through secondary school. Explains
8.18 French. Describes.
8.36 Why learnt French. Natural aptitude for words. Can speak a few words in Icelandic.
9.20 Norwegian language and trip. Explains.
9.40 Aptitude for is learning things if they concerned words and pictures.
10.08 Learnt Latin as well up to Fifth Form. Explains.
10.50 At sixth form Sheila knew she wanted to be a writer and an artist.
12.47 Sheila’s books mentioned. NATURAL WORLD OF THE TRAILLS, and OUT OF OUR TREE. Explains. The person on the cover photo is the husband of FINLAY[?] TRAILL who was JOHN TRAILL-THOMSON's mother.
14.47 Lifelong learning. Explains.
Track 5
01.0 Darning socks. Explains.
2.20 Leave home to go to TEACHERS COLLEGE. Teachers College in DUNEDIN at the bottom of UNION STREET and ANZAC AVENUE.
2.56 Accommodation was at a hostel on the ROYAL TERRACE. Explains.
4.09 Tramping and ferns. Explains.
5.22 Despite hardships at the house in LEASK BAY, she was homesick when got to Dunedin.
6.00 Met a friend when arrived in Dunedin. Sheila was looking forward to expeditions with him, and looking forward to taking classes at Teachers College.
7.17 Similarities between STEWART ISLAND and DUNEDIN. Explains.
7.58 Exploring Dunedin and TAIREI PLAIN. Explains.
8.36 Taught at RAVENSBURN at the Otago harbour. Explains.
8.56 BRAEMAR HOSTEL accommodation life. Explains. Joined TRAMPING CLUB and had great friends there: SHEILA MCMURRAY nee MCLAINE mentioned.
10.30 Teachers College Professors. Explains.
11.05 Requirements for a C Certificate from the Techers College. Explains.
11.53 Exploring NORTH EAST VALLEY to WAITATE. Explains. the road to the TAIREI PLAIN had quarries and she would find minerals there. Developed a sense of self.
13.56 Worked at a Boys Boarding School, where she was called General, sock darning and washing. Explains.
Disc 2
Track 1
00.01 Working at the Hostel. Explains.
00.34 No other Stewart Islanders at Teachers College. Most people were flatting or at SAINT MARGARETS.
1.11 No Stewart Islanders in the six years she was at Teachers College.
1.38 Being female at Teachers College. Explains.
2.15 PROFESSOR BENSON. Explains. Describes.
4.05 In the 1960s or 1970s she wrote IN MY VIEW article in the LISTENER. PHILLIP TEMPLE was another writer and they took turns. GARY TEE was keen to change name of FOVEAUX STRAIT. Explains.
8.09 In 1942 her first work was published: OVERLAND TO PEGASUS, in WANDERLUST magazine. Editor published with a picture of Halfmoon Bay, not Pegasus Bay.
9.14 Published in School Magazine. House named after her at Southland Girls High School. Mentions the librarian CLARK. Explains.
10.45 Awards for writing and illustration, and career take-off. Explains.
12.49 Applying for a post graduate degree. Explains. MRS RICHADALE (wife of LANCE RICHDALE) was keen on Sheila doing a post graduate degree.
Track 2
00.01 Post graduate degree application process. Explains.
1.15 Had friend who was good at presentation but didn’t know the answers.
1.59 She was turned down for the post graduate diploma. Explains.
3.58 Moved to Wellington, worked for the DOMINION MUSEUM. Job turned to Library work. Then worked for CORRESPONDANCE SCHOOL.
5.05 Joined Hutt Valley Tramping Club. Met GILBERT NATUSCH. Explains.
6.05 On an Easter trip, she was imitating deer and Gilbert turned on her and said people are trying to sleep.
6.58 Describes GILBERT.
7.45 Fell in love with Gilbert. Explains.
9.35 Gilbert’s parents house renovation. Explains.
10.20 GILBERT and Sheila got to know each other. Explains.
12.40 Describes Gilbert’s personality.
13.27 Gilbert and Sheila’s wedding.
Track 3
00.01 Gilbert and Sheila’s wedding. Describes Gilbert’s parents.
00.50 Gilbert's family history. SLAV. Explains.
3.20 The history of the GARDENER family was on the banks of the MANAWATU. Explains.
4.20 Domestic chores and relationship with mother-in-law. Explains.
5.03 Women's work was domestic. Explains.
5.25 Relationship with Gilbert’s parents. Explains.
6.00 Lived near the present Beehive in THORNDON. Began living in HILL STREET. 8.05 Dating. Explains.
10.40 Marriage with Gilbert. Explains.
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Interviewer: Lee Wadds
Abstracter: Chontelle Syme
Disc 1
Track 1
2.24 Introduction
6.38 Chores at the TRAILL household at STEWART ISLAND. Explains.
8.00 TRAILL house and family life. Describes and explains.
10.23 ALEC (ALEXANDER ROY TRAILL). Sheila Natusch’s brother. Called ALEX incorrectly by other people. Known as Alec. Never called Alexander.
11.04 Making tea. Explains.
11.30 Father’s actions and questions about chores.... Explains.
12.22 Great Sewerage Scheme for STEWART ISLAND. Explains.
13.35 Southland Greater Council has idea to make Stewart Islanders pay for sewerage system. Explains.
Track 2
00.01 Walked to school down TRAILL ROAD. Explains. Mentions LEASK and DAWSON families and SCOFIELD HILL.
2.59 HALF MOON BAY SCHOOL. Bullied by DENNY SMITH. Explains.
3.20 Promoted to Standard Three ahead of the time. Academic success. Explains.
4.00 Life in Halfmoon Bay. Learning. Explains.
6.00 Strapping by teachers. Explains.
7.00 MR CAULDER and MR FINNIS. Explains.
8.30 Female teachers. Explains.
10.00 Growing beans growing outside the window and feeding seagulls. T M TURNER, photographer, came along when we were feeding seagulls, got it on film, but the children got in trouble. Photographs may have gone somewhere like the CANTERBURY MUSEUM. 12.49 MISS FINNIS and MISS MAJOR, working relationship, not fun relationship. Explains.
13.49 Influences. Explains.
14.55 Art.
Track 3
00.0 Art. Remembers enjoying drawing lessons. Explains. Taught by MR CAULDER. 1.0 Walking home at the end of the school day. Explains.
2.54 Love of nature - came from going out with parents on boat and pottering around PATERSON INLET. 3.50 ALEC didn't show interest in natural world but was masterful with a pencil.
5.25 Sheila’s friendship with Alec. Explains.
7.42 Describes ALEC.
8.24 Home from school activities. Explains.
9.15 Mother’s daily activities, with and without father at home. Explains.
11.36 Sheila’s after school activities, with and without father home. Food mentioned. Explains.
12.23 Used to get milk from MR JENSEN. Milk run. EXPLAINS.
Track 4
00.54 Linguistics of STEWART ISLAND. Explains.
01.25 FATHER wouldn't ask about school but would ask about SUNDAY SCHOOL. Explains.
2.18 Father not religious. Explains.
2.51 SHELIA questioned religion. Explains.
3.49 Father’s point of view on education, girls being educated and Sheila’s success at school.
5.18 Women’s roles in society. Explains. 6.50 Learning French through secondary school. Explains
8.18 French. Describes.
8.36 Why learnt French. Natural aptitude for words. Can speak a few words in Icelandic.
9.20 Norwegian language and trip. Explains.
9.40 Aptitude for is learning things if they concerned words and pictures.
10.08 Learnt Latin as well up to Fifth Form. Explains.
10.50 At sixth form Sheila knew she wanted to be a writer and an artist.
12.47 Sheila’s books mentioned. NATURAL WORLD OF THE TRAILLS, and OUT OF OUR TREE. Explains. The person on the cover photo is the husband of FINLAY[?] TRAILL who was JOHN TRAILL-THOMSON's mother.
14.47 Lifelong learning. Explains.
Track 5
01.0 Darning socks. Explains.
2.20 Leave home to go to TEACHERS COLLEGE. Teachers College in DUNEDIN at the bottom of UNION STREET and ANZAC AVENUE.
2.56 Accommodation was at a hostel on the ROYAL TERRACE. Explains.
4.09 Tramping and ferns. Explains.
5.22 Despite hardships at the house in LEASK BAY, she was homesick when got to Dunedin.
6.00 Met a friend when arrived in Dunedin. Sheila was looking forward to expeditions with him, and looking forward to taking classes at Teachers College.
7.17 Similarities between STEWART ISLAND and DUNEDIN. Explains.
7.58 Exploring Dunedin and TAIREI PLAIN. Explains.
8.36 Taught at RAVENSBURN at the Otago harbour. Explains.
8.56 BRAEMAR HOSTEL accommodation life. Explains. Joined TRAMPING CLUB and had great friends there: SHEILA MCMURRAY nee MCLAINE mentioned.
10.30 Teachers College Professors. Explains.
11.05 Requirements for a C Certificate from the Techers College. Explains.
11.53 Exploring NORTH EAST VALLEY to WAITATE. Explains. the road to the TAIREI PLAIN had quarries and she would find minerals there. Developed a sense of self.
13.56 Worked at a Boys Boarding School, where she was called General, sock darning and washing. Explains.
Disc 2
Track 1
00.01 Working at the Hostel. Explains.
00.34 No other Stewart Islanders at Teachers College. Most people were flatting or at SAINT MARGARETS.
1.11 No Stewart Islanders in the six years she was at Teachers College.
1.38 Being female at Teachers College. Explains.
2.15 PROFESSOR BENSON. Explains. Describes.
4.05 In the 1960s or 1970s she wrote IN MY VIEW article in the LISTENER. PHILLIP TEMPLE was another writer and they took turns. GARY TEE was keen to change name of FOVEAUX STRAIT. Explains.
8.09 In 1942 her first work was published: OVERLAND TO PEGASUS, in WANDERLUST magazine. Editor published with a picture of Halfmoon Bay, not Pegasus Bay.
9.14 Published in School Magazine. House named after her at Southland Girls High School. Mentions the librarian CLARK. Explains.
10.45 Awards for writing and illustration, and career take-off. Explains.
12.49 Applying for a post graduate degree. Explains. MRS RICHADALE (wife of LANCE RICHDALE) was keen on Sheila doing a post graduate degree.
Track 2
00.01 Post graduate degree application process. Explains.
1.15 Had friend who was good at presentation but didn’t know the answers.
1.59 She was turned down for the post graduate diploma. Explains.
3.58 Moved to Wellington, worked for the DOMINION MUSEUM. Job turned to Library work. Then worked for CORRESPONDANCE SCHOOL.
5.05 Joined Hutt Valley Tramping Club. Met GILBERT NATUSCH. Explains.
6.05 On an Easter trip, she was imitating deer and Gilbert turned on her and said people are trying to sleep.
6.58 Describes GILBERT.
7.45 Fell in love with Gilbert. Explains.
9.35 Gilbert’s parents house renovation. Explains.
10.20 GILBERT and Sheila got to know each other. Explains.
12.40 Describes Gilbert’s personality.
13.27 Gilbert and Sheila’s wedding.
Track 3
00.01 Gilbert and Sheila’s wedding. Describes Gilbert’s parents.
00.50 Gilbert's family history. SLAV. Explains.
3.20 The history of the GARDENER family was on the banks of the MANAWATU. Explains.
4.20 Domestic chores and relationship with mother-in-law. Explains.
5.03 Women's work was domestic. Explains.
5.25 Relationship with Gilbert’s parents. Explains.
6.00 Lived near the present Beehive in THORNDON. Began living in HILL STREET. 8.05 Dating. Explains.
10.40 Marriage with Gilbert. Explains.
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- 2019
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- From the Record Group: Wadds, Lee (Interviewer, Person)
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