Nightcaps (N.Z.)
Subject Source: Local sources
Scope Note: Western Southland
Found in 6 Collections and/or Records:
ALLAN, Robert Bruce (Carter) interviewed by Jenny Campbell
Record Group — Box 28
Identifier: H0183
Born in Nightcaps Robert talks of family, his mother’s vegetable garden and chores, the effects of mining on the town and the reduced number of people living in Nightcaps now. He tells of work and friends in the mining industry where he worked underground for 41 years. He worked at Mt. Linton mines where the workers had to work hard. He helped to set up the Ohai Railway Trust Board and finishes the interview by recalling the building of the Pub in Ohai by the Taylors.
BOKSER, Beth interviewed by Jenny Campbell
Record Group — Box 28
Identifier: H0182
Beth recalls her family history, education and living on a farm at Wairio. Her employment included: aiding at the Nightcaps Maternity Hospital, Nursemaid at Mt. Linton for the McGregor family, and working at the local bakery. She describes wages and cost of items of the time as well as social activities and the meeting of and marrying her husband. She discusses his employment in transport and mining and her concerns for him in his occupation of 40 years in the mines. She goes on to recall...
BOOTH, Vincent Paul (Tinny) interviewed by Jenny Campbell
Record Group — Box 28
Identifier: H0184
In this interview Vincent recalls his life and work in the mines around Nightcaps and Ohai for forty years. He also talks of the retail outlets in Nightcaps and latterly their decline, his interest in rugby, home ownership, marriage and friends.
BOOTH, Vincent Paul (Tinny) interviewed by Jenny Campbell
Record Group — Box 3
Identifier: H0001
The interview covers Mr Booth's childhood in Nightcaps, farming at Bowmont Station, and work at the coal mines.
BOYLE, Norma Ruth interviewed by Jenny Campbell
Record Group — Box 4
Identifier: H0034
Norma describes her personal education history at Tuatapere School, Dux of Nightcaps District School, attendances at Southland Girls High and later to training College. She talks of teaching techniques and outlines her teaching career as well as comparing the current education system with past.
KLEMICK, Martin (Marty) interviewed by Jenny Campbell
Record Group — Box 28
Identifier: H0181
Marty talks of his family history and life growing up in a large family in Nightcaps; his education and employment in the local mines. He recalls topics such as: mine safety, explosives, physical work, unions, mine managers, wages etc. His father built their family home and this is one of the oldest homes in Nightcaps. Marty also looks at friendships built through his work.