Central School Laundry Class, Invercargill
Digital Image
Identifier: D00780015
- c.1884
- Ross Photographers (Photographer, Organization)
Girls of a variety of ages sit and stand facing the camera. One gentleman is to the left of the image. Irons and trivets can be seen around the girls on tables.
The photographer is Ross Photographer, Tay Street, Invercargill.
Conditions Governing Use
This item has no known copyright restrictions. Please acknowledge Invercargill City Libraries and Archives, Ref: A0010 S00780015, when re-using this image.
1 digital object : TIFF file.
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To obtain a high resolution copy of this image please contact the Archive.
Physical Description
Black and white photographic print on mount board.
H 240mm x W 316mm [Includes mount board]
Content Note
Text underneath image reads "Central School Laundry Class, Invercargill (Mr and Mrs Coxon, Instructors)".
On reverse of image is a handwritten note "Approx 1884. Central School was later re-named Middle School, 1885. Prior to that all children attended Invercargill Grammar a co-ed high school opened 1881 & the Grammar School became Central School - later Middle".
Bottom left hand corner there is a return address to "D.S.I.S. P.O. Box 832 Invercargill" - [District Senior inspectors Secondary Schools].
- Ross Photographers (Photographer, Organization)
Repository Details
Part of the Invercargill City Libraries and Archives Repository