Borough of Invercargill Photographic Album [Cover]
Digital Image
Identifier: D27520001_a
- Majority of material found within c.1870 - c.1947
Album containing 114 photographs of early Invercargill and surrounds. Prints of many of the images can be found in other collections around the country, with the location of the original negatives unknown.
Numbers drawn in ink have been added to many of the images by persons unknown, and correspond to typed captions. Some of the photographers have been identified by external sources.
See Linked Records for full album.
Numbers drawn in ink have been added to many of the images by persons unknown, and correspond to typed captions. Some of the photographers have been identified by external sources.
See Linked Records for full album.
1 digital object : TIFF file.
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Physical Description
Leather bound photograph album with black and white photographic prints glued to thick card pages. Numbers hand-drawn in ink correspond to typed captions.
Album Contents
(1) Schooner Waihopai at corner Conon and Tay Streets.
(2) Old Customs House, Clyde Street.
(3) Home of Antonio Richard Williams, Dee Street.
(4) Tay Street looking East.
(5) William Lewis, Drapers shop.
(6) Schooner Waihopai in Conon Street. (7) Lowther Arcade, Tay Street. (8) Matheson and Camerons, Dee Street. (9) Colyers, Princess Hotel, Dee Street. (10) Tay Street with Old Royal Hotel and Fire Station.
(11) View from Tay Street looking South. (12) First Presbyterian Church, Tay Street. (13) R.D. Yule, Draper, Bank of New South Wales and Police Station, Tay Street. (14) Bank of Otago, Hunter and Hawkshaw Merchants. (15) Flour Mill, Esk Street.
(16) Cowper and Wilson, Dee Street. (17) Steroscopic view, Dee Street West side looking North. (18) Steroscopic view, Arch of Welcome to Sir George Grey over Esk Street. (19) Steroscopic view, corner Dee and Esk Streets. (20) Steroscopic view, Railway Station, Esk Street.
(21) J. Couts, Tailor, Tay Street. (22) View of town looking East along Don Street. (23) Steroscopic view of Club Hotel, Dee Street. (24) Prince of Wales Hotel, West side Dee Street. (25) View of Invercargill looking south-west.
(26) H. Mayo's Albion Hotel, East side of Dee Street. (27) View of Dee Street looking East between Esk and Tay Streets. (28) View of Dee Street Rose, between Esk and Tay Streets. (29) Cochran, Granger and Blacklock, Deveron Street. (30) Town from Don Street looking South East.
(31) Mitson Family Hotels, Tay Street. (32) South side Tay Street. (33) C. Froggatt, Butcher, and O'Hara, Bootmaker, Tay Street. (34) First Presbyterian Church. (35) McGibbon's accommodation house, Mataura.
(36) Baggotts, Waihopai Hotel, Long Bush - photo missing (37) Fern Tree House at Mr. Howards, Kew. (38) Tay Street, North side from Dee Street to W. Mitchell, bootmaker. (39) Union Bank, Tay Street, burnt 1st March 1864. (40) Kingslands Bakery, corner Don and Jed Streets.
(41) George Lumsden, Watchmaker, Tay Street. (42) Theatre Royal and Puettelkow's Provincial Hotel, corner Tay and Conon Streets. (43) Dr. Wilson's homoeopathic Institute, Ythan Street. (44) Dee Street, West side from Byrne and Coy, looking south. (45) Skandinavian Hotel corner Tay and Kelvin Streets.
(46) Old Immigration Barracks, Tay Street. (47) Corner Dee and Esk Streets, Ekensteen and Hall. (48) Corner Kelvin and Esk Streets. (49) Bank of New South Wales, Tay Street. (50) W.P. Porter's Drapery Store, Esk Street.
(51) Waikiwi Bush Hotel. (52) North Road, Waikiwi, looking South. (53) George Lumsden, Watchmaker, Tay Street. (54) K. Rose, G. Lumsden and Jacobs and Morrs, Dee Street. (55) Dee Street looking North.
(56) McDonalds School, Leven Street. (57) Walter Guthries and Coy., corner Spey and Dee Streets. (58) One Tree Point, Junction Hotel. (59) Southland Rope and Twine Works, corner Nith and Tyne Streets. (60) Old Jetty, Invercargill, Tweed Street.
(61) Old Borough Council offices, Kelvin Street, Invercargill. (62) Criterion Hotel, Stove Depot and Times Office, Tay Street.. (63) Dee Street, West side showing R. Cleave, C. Ross, R. Erskine, Sloans and Union Bank. (64) R. Tappers, Ironmongers. (65) R. Sloan and Sons, Bootmakers, Dee Street.
(66) One of the first Railway Engines, used later in old flour mill, Esk Street and later in D. McKenzies Sawmill at Lady Barkley, view taken in Tay Street. (67) Clarendon Hotel corner of Esk and Kelvin Streets. (68) Mr Crook's School corner of Tay and Nith Streets. (69) Bullock Waggon load of wool in Dee Street. (70) Salek's Royal Hotel and American Bowling Saloon.
(71) Mitchell and Company, General Merchants corner Dee Street. (72) Old Post Office and Government Buildings, Dee Street. (73) Dee and Tay Streets showing Clyde Street bridge. (74) First Presbyterian Church corner of Tay and Ythan Streets. (75) Southland Cordial Manufactory Moffatt's, Esk Street.
(76) Corner Dee and Esk Streets showing Athenaeum. (77) Corner Dee and Esk Streets, Kenneth Rose, Booksellers, (78) Steroscopic view in Tay Street between Nith and Tay Streets. (79) Steroscopic view in Spey Street. (80) Steroscopic view in Lowther Arcade showing J. Walsh, T. Meddows, and J. McKenzie.
(81) Middle School or Grammer School corner Esk and Jed Streets. (82) Odd Fellows Hall showing Baggott's Boarding House and Smith's Old School. (83) View showing W. Barham, Dee Street. (84) View of William Paisley and Company, showing Old News Office. (85) Corner of Don and Kelvin Streets, looking east.
(86) View showing Old Railway Hotel and Estuary. (87) Prince of Wales Hotel. (88) William Prestons, Dyer, North Road. (89) Woodlands Boiling Down Works. (90) Abram Watson and R.G. Peters, Tay Street.
(91) Dee Street Hospital. (92) Glasgow Boot shop and William Farnie, Painter. (93) "City of Dunedin" at Invercargill Jetty. (94) Steamer at Invercargill Jetty. (95) View showing Estuary.
(96) Old Police Station, Esk Street, 1870. (97) J. Kingsland, Bootmaker, Dee Street. (98) Clarke, Chemist, Tay Street. (99) Hatch and Haynes, Cleave Williams and Company, Tay Street. (100) Brown Anderson and Findlay, Tay Street.
(101) Govt. Reserve, Invercargill, Claytons Dept. Building (later South Wing old Post Office). (102) East side of Dee Street. (103) First Presbyterian Church. (104) Photo of J.R. Cuthbertson's 'Invercargill, July 1859'. (105) View from Invercargill Water Tower looking East.
(106) Welcome Parade by the Crescent. (107) Bayard car. (108) Corner of Dee and Esk Streets looking North. (109) Cars lined up outside old Post Office. (110) R. Murie Phoenix hot air balloon. (111) Parade along Tay Street looking East.
(112) Peace Celebrations outside Post Office c.1919 (113) Peace Celebrations outside Post Office c.1919 (114) Saluting Base on the occasion fo the Parade of the Royal New Zealand Air Force Band and Supporting Units, on Wednesday, 14 October 1942. Abraham Wachner, Esq. Mayor; Dr. A. Owen-Johnston, President, Returned Services'Assoication; Mr. W.F. Sturman; Squadron-Leader S. Gilkison; Flight-Lieut. Gladstone Hill.
(6) Schooner Waihopai in Conon Street. (7) Lowther Arcade, Tay Street. (8) Matheson and Camerons, Dee Street. (9) Colyers, Princess Hotel, Dee Street. (10) Tay Street with Old Royal Hotel and Fire Station.
(11) View from Tay Street looking South. (12) First Presbyterian Church, Tay Street. (13) R.D. Yule, Draper, Bank of New South Wales and Police Station, Tay Street. (14) Bank of Otago, Hunter and Hawkshaw Merchants. (15) Flour Mill, Esk Street.
(16) Cowper and Wilson, Dee Street. (17) Steroscopic view, Dee Street West side looking North. (18) Steroscopic view, Arch of Welcome to Sir George Grey over Esk Street. (19) Steroscopic view, corner Dee and Esk Streets. (20) Steroscopic view, Railway Station, Esk Street.
(21) J. Couts, Tailor, Tay Street. (22) View of town looking East along Don Street. (23) Steroscopic view of Club Hotel, Dee Street. (24) Prince of Wales Hotel, West side Dee Street. (25) View of Invercargill looking south-west.
(26) H. Mayo's Albion Hotel, East side of Dee Street. (27) View of Dee Street looking East between Esk and Tay Streets. (28) View of Dee Street Rose, between Esk and Tay Streets. (29) Cochran, Granger and Blacklock, Deveron Street. (30) Town from Don Street looking South East.
(31) Mitson Family Hotels, Tay Street. (32) South side Tay Street. (33) C. Froggatt, Butcher, and O'Hara, Bootmaker, Tay Street. (34) First Presbyterian Church. (35) McGibbon's accommodation house, Mataura.
(36) Baggotts, Waihopai Hotel, Long Bush - photo missing (37) Fern Tree House at Mr. Howards, Kew. (38) Tay Street, North side from Dee Street to W. Mitchell, bootmaker. (39) Union Bank, Tay Street, burnt 1st March 1864. (40) Kingslands Bakery, corner Don and Jed Streets.
(41) George Lumsden, Watchmaker, Tay Street. (42) Theatre Royal and Puettelkow's Provincial Hotel, corner Tay and Conon Streets. (43) Dr. Wilson's homoeopathic Institute, Ythan Street. (44) Dee Street, West side from Byrne and Coy, looking south. (45) Skandinavian Hotel corner Tay and Kelvin Streets.
(46) Old Immigration Barracks, Tay Street. (47) Corner Dee and Esk Streets, Ekensteen and Hall. (48) Corner Kelvin and Esk Streets. (49) Bank of New South Wales, Tay Street. (50) W.P. Porter's Drapery Store, Esk Street.
(51) Waikiwi Bush Hotel. (52) North Road, Waikiwi, looking South. (53) George Lumsden, Watchmaker, Tay Street. (54) K. Rose, G. Lumsden and Jacobs and Morrs, Dee Street. (55) Dee Street looking North.
(56) McDonalds School, Leven Street. (57) Walter Guthries and Coy., corner Spey and Dee Streets. (58) One Tree Point, Junction Hotel. (59) Southland Rope and Twine Works, corner Nith and Tyne Streets. (60) Old Jetty, Invercargill, Tweed Street.
(61) Old Borough Council offices, Kelvin Street, Invercargill. (62) Criterion Hotel, Stove Depot and Times Office, Tay Street.. (63) Dee Street, West side showing R. Cleave, C. Ross, R. Erskine, Sloans and Union Bank. (64) R. Tappers, Ironmongers. (65) R. Sloan and Sons, Bootmakers, Dee Street.
(66) One of the first Railway Engines, used later in old flour mill, Esk Street and later in D. McKenzies Sawmill at Lady Barkley, view taken in Tay Street. (67) Clarendon Hotel corner of Esk and Kelvin Streets. (68) Mr Crook's School corner of Tay and Nith Streets. (69) Bullock Waggon load of wool in Dee Street. (70) Salek's Royal Hotel and American Bowling Saloon.
(71) Mitchell and Company, General Merchants corner Dee Street. (72) Old Post Office and Government Buildings, Dee Street. (73) Dee and Tay Streets showing Clyde Street bridge. (74) First Presbyterian Church corner of Tay and Ythan Streets. (75) Southland Cordial Manufactory Moffatt's, Esk Street.
(76) Corner Dee and Esk Streets showing Athenaeum. (77) Corner Dee and Esk Streets, Kenneth Rose, Booksellers, (78) Steroscopic view in Tay Street between Nith and Tay Streets. (79) Steroscopic view in Spey Street. (80) Steroscopic view in Lowther Arcade showing J. Walsh, T. Meddows, and J. McKenzie.
(81) Middle School or Grammer School corner Esk and Jed Streets. (82) Odd Fellows Hall showing Baggott's Boarding House and Smith's Old School. (83) View showing W. Barham, Dee Street. (84) View of William Paisley and Company, showing Old News Office. (85) Corner of Don and Kelvin Streets, looking east.
(86) View showing Old Railway Hotel and Estuary. (87) Prince of Wales Hotel. (88) William Prestons, Dyer, North Road. (89) Woodlands Boiling Down Works. (90) Abram Watson and R.G. Peters, Tay Street.
(91) Dee Street Hospital. (92) Glasgow Boot shop and William Farnie, Painter. (93) "City of Dunedin" at Invercargill Jetty. (94) Steamer at Invercargill Jetty. (95) View showing Estuary.
(96) Old Police Station, Esk Street, 1870. (97) J. Kingsland, Bootmaker, Dee Street. (98) Clarke, Chemist, Tay Street. (99) Hatch and Haynes, Cleave Williams and Company, Tay Street. (100) Brown Anderson and Findlay, Tay Street.
(101) Govt. Reserve, Invercargill, Claytons Dept. Building (later South Wing old Post Office). (102) East side of Dee Street. (103) First Presbyterian Church. (104) Photo of J.R. Cuthbertson's 'Invercargill, July 1859'. (105) View from Invercargill Water Tower looking East.
(106) Welcome Parade by the Crescent. (107) Bayard car. (108) Corner of Dee and Esk Streets looking North. (109) Cars lined up outside old Post Office. (110) R. Murie Phoenix hot air balloon. (111) Parade along Tay Street looking East.
(112) Peace Celebrations outside Post Office c.1919 (113) Peace Celebrations outside Post Office c.1919 (114) Saluting Base on the occasion fo the Parade of the Royal New Zealand Air Force Band and Supporting Units, on Wednesday, 14 October 1942. Abraham Wachner, Esq. Mayor; Dr. A. Owen-Johnston, President, Returned Services'Assoication; Mr. W.F. Sturman; Squadron-Leader S. Gilkison; Flight-Lieut. Gladstone Hill.
Repository Details
Part of the Invercargill City Libraries and Archives Repository