Box 12
Contains 29 Results:
Oral history interview of Walter ZIMMERMAN by Janice TEMPLETON [29 March 2007], 2007
Item — Multiple Containers
Identifier: H01720001
Abstract of Walter ZIMMERMAN, 2020
Item — Box: 12
Identifier: H01720002
Walter ZimmermanInterviewer: Janice TempletonAbstracter: Lindsay KingInterview: 29 March 2007TRACK 100.18 1810 ancestors left STRASBOURG for AUSTRALIA - JEWISH - Grandfather met LYDIA COOMBES on his visits to DUNEDIN, NEW ZEALAND - explains.02.01 1910 Selfs father born - 1929 moved to INVERCARGILL - met Self's mother - explains.03.00 Mother born in INVERCARGILL - Maiden name LEA - three sisters -...
ZIMMERMAN, Walter interviewed by Janice Templeton
Record Group — Box: 12
Identifier: H0172
In this interview Walter tells of his family history, religion, his father’s various occupations and his own education including learning to play the piano. He looks at how as a child having two paper runs and becoming a milk boy saving every cent enabled him to purchase 2 quarter acre sections at the age of 12. Walter has led a very varied and interesting life which has seen him attend Lincoln College, become a shearer, own his own farms, become involved in community work which included: The...
Oral History Interview of Charles Henry (Charlie) PORT by Warrick McCALLUM [5 September 2000], 2000
Item — Multiple Containers
Identifier: H02810001
Abstract of Charles Henry (Charlie) PORT, 2022
Item — Box: 12
Identifier: H02810002
Charles (Charlie) Henry PortInterviewer: Warrick McCallumAbstracter: Lynne GroveFirst Interview: 5 September 2000TRACK 1:00:16 File identification. CHARLIE PORT, aged 95. Born in 1904. Lives in CHARLES STREET, INVERCARGILL. Came from ROUND HILL, LONGWOODS.00:40 Father worked for MOSSes with DAVE TWEEDIE (then became the butcher) in the yard at THE LONGWOOD. Later bought a SAWMILL in the HOKONUIs. ...
DAWSON, James Tasman (Jimmy) interviewed by Warrick McCallum
Record Group — Box: 12
Identifier: H0282
In this interview Jimmy talks of his family history and areas around Southland that he has lived. He talks of his education and employment and details his life, training and work in the AirForce during WW2. He was posted to Canada during this time. After the war he talks of his marriage and career as a builder in Queenstown. His interests include: running, fishing, and beach combing.
PORT, Charles Henry (Charlie) interviewed by Warrick McCallum
Record Group — Box: 12
Identifier: H0281
In this interview Charlie shares memories and stories from his life including his family history, properties he has owned, his occupations and marriage. He also talks about power generation starting at the hydroelectricity plant at Monowai, long-time local doctor, Dr Trotter, taking part in sports days at Limehills and Tuatapere; and his many friends.
Oral History Interview of James Tasman (Jimmy) DAWSON by Warrick McCallum [20 June 2000], 2000
Item — Multiple Containers
Identifier: H02820001
Oral History Interview of Eric Richard WILD by Edith RUDDENKLAU [2004 and 13 September 2006], 2004 - 2006
Item — Multiple Containers
Identifier: H02840001
2004 - 2006
PANKHURST, Ina Emily interviewed by Janice Templeton
Record Group — Box: 12
Identifier: H0286
In this interview Ina tells a bit of family history which included her mother’s education work as a school teacher and her parent’s engagement. Ina goes on to describes her life at Longwood including: family routines, attending school, becoming a music teacher and employment working for doctor. She also tells of her support for her parents by milking cows, housework, gardening and cooking.