Abstract of Walter ZIMMERMAN, 2020
Item — Box: 12
Identifier: H01720002
Walter Zimmerman
Interviewer: Janice Templeton
Abstracter: Lindsay King
Interview: 29 March 2007
00.18 1810 ancestors left STRASBOURG for AUSTRALIA - JEWISH - Grandfather met LYDIA COOMBES on his visits to DUNEDIN, NEW ZEALAND - explains.
02.01 1910 Selfs father born - 1929 moved to INVERCARGILL - met Self's mother - explains.
03.00 Mother born in INVERCARGILL - Maiden name LEA - three sisters - describes.
03.32 Father and Mother... met - ROYAL SHOW - Father helped run BROWN OWL TEAROOMS - EMILY MAY JOSEPHINE LEA mother worked in tearooms - married after 8 year engagement - Married 1937 - explains.
05.05 Self born in 1939 - WORLD WAR 2 broke out - Father brought up SALVATION ARMY - student of the BIBLE - found the CHRISTADELPHIAN religion - conscientious objector - self visited him in prison camp when a boy - camp at CONICAL HILLS WAIPAHI - inmates planted pine trees - describes.
09.17 Fathers first job after camp - SEAWARD DOWNS DAIRY FACTORY - cycled from INVERCARGILL to SEAWARD DOWNS - describes.
10.37 Transferred to MCSKIMMINGS BRICKWORKS for a few years - then to KEW HOSPITAL as a porter - PATHOLOGY DEPARTMENT - one or two years doing POST MORTEMS - became AMBULANCE driver - explains
11.58 Brother born March 1947 - harelip and cleft palate - CRIPPLED CHILDREN SOCIETY sponsored operations - many operations to correct disability - explains
13.27 Story about new washing machine - recalls.
14.14 When 12 years old parents bought a larger property - boarding establishment - 32 boarders - grew everything needed - describes.
14.40 Story about learning piano - 8 years old - recalls.
15.36 Met PAUL DAVIS through piano teacher - took over his paper run - 17 and sixpence a week - 9 years old - then night paper run at same time - 12 and sixpence a week - banked every cent - details.
17.15 Worked as a milk boy - 30 shillings a week - recalls.
18.22 Self bought 2 quarter acre sections - aged 12 - land available because HAZLETTS STABLES moved - FILLEUL STREET - contracter ploughed and self planted in potatoes - describes.
19.53 LINCOLN COLLEGE - 1956 - then employed on HOSPITAL FARM LORNEVILLE - renowned PIGGERY - DOCTOR HOWARD HUNTER ran it - describes.
21.45 Self went to SHEARING SCHOOL - run by GODFREY BOWEN - worked at MOBIL OIL - Parents won contract to cater at MAKAREWA FREEZING WORKS - self worked as a COOPER making barrels - describes.
23.50 Professional SHEEP SHEARING - until aged 23 - earned enough with assets to put deposit on first farm - bought BULLING'S farm in GUMMIES BUSH - support from FARMERS in the area - explains.
25.30 Married after a year on farm - 2 children, RACHEL and BRIDGETTE - RACHEL born with dislocated hip - CRIPPLED CHILDREN SOCIETY involvement - explains.
26.38 CRIPPLED CHILDREN SOCIETY fundraising dinners - RIVERTON BRANCH - explains.
27.53 Guest speakers - PRECIOUS MCKENZIE, LOIS MUIR - describes.
28.32 Self's political involvement - NATIONAL PARTY - RIVERTON BATHS support - describes.
29.29 Self bought more FARMS - STUD SHEEP, CROPS, BEEF - mother died at 64 years old - explains.
30.50 Sold farms in 1983/4 - Met DALE and remarried - describes.
33.20 DALE and Self sell farm - TREVOR BEGG bought the farm - moved to LAKE HAYES - explains.
34.48 Involvement on committees - SOUTHLAND EDUCATION BOARD - served 7 years - explains.
35.48 Self was asked to be DISTRICT CORONER RIVERTON 1982 - sworn in as JUSTICE OF THE PEACE - explains.
37.00 Story about couple wanting Self to marry them - appointed MARRIAGE CELEBRANT - recalls.
38.48 Job as MARRIAGE CELEBRANT - role as JUSTICE OF THE PEACE in QUEENSTOWN area - Community work - explains.
40.58 LAKE HAYES - Self employed at CATTLEDROME - established BED AND BREAKFAST business and travel company - explains.
44.13 Self started LIMOUSINE SERVICES business - QUEENSTOWN and CHRISTCHURCH - distinguished visitors - NELSON MANDELLA, PRINCESS ANNE - recalls and describes.
47.09 Visit of KING OF BELGIUM - story of SHOTOVER RIVER name - recalls.
48.51 Self gave guided tours of SOUTH ISLAND - HISTORY, FLORA AND FAUNA - explains.
50.20 Drove for HERITAGE TOURS - SKIPPERS CANYON - history of area - explains.
51.19 Story about taking people bird watching and whale watching- recalls.
52.56 Story about ART FAMILY tour and THOMAS BROWN ARTIST - recalls.
56.24 Self's plans for the future - house for sale - trip to BRISBANE to see grandchildren - explains.
57.45 Story of daughter naming her children - recalls.
58.53 Relationship with JODY, TONY, DEBBIE and children - explains.
1.00.16 End of Track 1 See more
Interviewer: Janice Templeton
Abstracter: Lindsay King
Interview: 29 March 2007
00.18 1810 ancestors left STRASBOURG for AUSTRALIA - JEWISH - Grandfather met LYDIA COOMBES on his visits to DUNEDIN, NEW ZEALAND - explains.
02.01 1910 Selfs father born - 1929 moved to INVERCARGILL - met Self's mother - explains.
03.00 Mother born in INVERCARGILL - Maiden name LEA - three sisters - describes.
03.32 Father and Mother... met - ROYAL SHOW - Father helped run BROWN OWL TEAROOMS - EMILY MAY JOSEPHINE LEA mother worked in tearooms - married after 8 year engagement - Married 1937 - explains.
05.05 Self born in 1939 - WORLD WAR 2 broke out - Father brought up SALVATION ARMY - student of the BIBLE - found the CHRISTADELPHIAN religion - conscientious objector - self visited him in prison camp when a boy - camp at CONICAL HILLS WAIPAHI - inmates planted pine trees - describes.
09.17 Fathers first job after camp - SEAWARD DOWNS DAIRY FACTORY - cycled from INVERCARGILL to SEAWARD DOWNS - describes.
10.37 Transferred to MCSKIMMINGS BRICKWORKS for a few years - then to KEW HOSPITAL as a porter - PATHOLOGY DEPARTMENT - one or two years doing POST MORTEMS - became AMBULANCE driver - explains
11.58 Brother born March 1947 - harelip and cleft palate - CRIPPLED CHILDREN SOCIETY sponsored operations - many operations to correct disability - explains
13.27 Story about new washing machine - recalls.
14.14 When 12 years old parents bought a larger property - boarding establishment - 32 boarders - grew everything needed - describes.
14.40 Story about learning piano - 8 years old - recalls.
15.36 Met PAUL DAVIS through piano teacher - took over his paper run - 17 and sixpence a week - 9 years old - then night paper run at same time - 12 and sixpence a week - banked every cent - details.
17.15 Worked as a milk boy - 30 shillings a week - recalls.
18.22 Self bought 2 quarter acre sections - aged 12 - land available because HAZLETTS STABLES moved - FILLEUL STREET - contracter ploughed and self planted in potatoes - describes.
19.53 LINCOLN COLLEGE - 1956 - then employed on HOSPITAL FARM LORNEVILLE - renowned PIGGERY - DOCTOR HOWARD HUNTER ran it - describes.
21.45 Self went to SHEARING SCHOOL - run by GODFREY BOWEN - worked at MOBIL OIL - Parents won contract to cater at MAKAREWA FREEZING WORKS - self worked as a COOPER making barrels - describes.
23.50 Professional SHEEP SHEARING - until aged 23 - earned enough with assets to put deposit on first farm - bought BULLING'S farm in GUMMIES BUSH - support from FARMERS in the area - explains.
25.30 Married after a year on farm - 2 children, RACHEL and BRIDGETTE - RACHEL born with dislocated hip - CRIPPLED CHILDREN SOCIETY involvement - explains.
26.38 CRIPPLED CHILDREN SOCIETY fundraising dinners - RIVERTON BRANCH - explains.
27.53 Guest speakers - PRECIOUS MCKENZIE, LOIS MUIR - describes.
28.32 Self's political involvement - NATIONAL PARTY - RIVERTON BATHS support - describes.
29.29 Self bought more FARMS - STUD SHEEP, CROPS, BEEF - mother died at 64 years old - explains.
30.50 Sold farms in 1983/4 - Met DALE and remarried - describes.
33.20 DALE and Self sell farm - TREVOR BEGG bought the farm - moved to LAKE HAYES - explains.
34.48 Involvement on committees - SOUTHLAND EDUCATION BOARD - served 7 years - explains.
35.48 Self was asked to be DISTRICT CORONER RIVERTON 1982 - sworn in as JUSTICE OF THE PEACE - explains.
37.00 Story about couple wanting Self to marry them - appointed MARRIAGE CELEBRANT - recalls.
38.48 Job as MARRIAGE CELEBRANT - role as JUSTICE OF THE PEACE in QUEENSTOWN area - Community work - explains.
40.58 LAKE HAYES - Self employed at CATTLEDROME - established BED AND BREAKFAST business and travel company - explains.
44.13 Self started LIMOUSINE SERVICES business - QUEENSTOWN and CHRISTCHURCH - distinguished visitors - NELSON MANDELLA, PRINCESS ANNE - recalls and describes.
47.09 Visit of KING OF BELGIUM - story of SHOTOVER RIVER name - recalls.
48.51 Self gave guided tours of SOUTH ISLAND - HISTORY, FLORA AND FAUNA - explains.
50.20 Drove for HERITAGE TOURS - SKIPPERS CANYON - history of area - explains.
51.19 Story about taking people bird watching and whale watching- recalls.
52.56 Story about ART FAMILY tour and THOMAS BROWN ARTIST - recalls.
56.24 Self's plans for the future - house for sale - trip to BRISBANE to see grandchildren - explains.
57.45 Story of daughter naming her children - recalls.
58.53 Relationship with JODY, TONY, DEBBIE and children - explains.
1.00.16 End of Track 1 See more
- 2020
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- From the Record Group: Templeton, Janice (Interviewer, Person)
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Part of the Southland Oral History Project Repository