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Abstract of Ronald William (Ron) ASHBY, 1998

 Item — Box: 57
Identifier: H06100002



Ronald William Ashby

INTERVIEWER: Helen Frizzell

ABSTRACTER: Helen Frizzell



01 '00" RONALD WILLIAM ASHBY. Who named after. Details. Born DALKEITH MATERNITY HOME, GORE. Family lived at MANDEVILLE. Details. Born 1937.

02’00" FAMILY BACKGROUND: PATERNAL/MATERNAL - Remembers maternal grandmother RICHARDSON. Recalls paternal grandparents used to visit family at MANDEVILLE. ASHBY's lived in DUNEDIN.

02’40" FATHER, ERNEST WILLIAM ASHBY (1900-72). A 'very hard worker’. Born in MOSGIEL, family shifted to MATAURA. His father had milk run. Own parents met there and moved to MANDEVILLE 1925. Father's work - RABBITER, FARM LABOURER and SEED DRESSER. Describes. Family moved to GORE 1950. Father never involved with FLEMING'S. Reference SOUTHLAND FARMERS CO-OP; CLOVER SEED; COXSFOOT SEED.

04’00" MOTHER, ANNIE. A hard worker, an 'excellent lady'. Had 10 children. Sold fruits to local WINE BREWER and farm products to local GROCER to help support family. Recalls. Family 'hard up' (EXPRESSION/ ECONOMIC CIRCUMSTANCES). Older sisters worked at hotel and grocer's shop. Father decided to shift to GORE to find work for family. Reference MANDEVILLE.

05’40" Describes MANDEVILLE.

06'20" SIBLINGS: Two sisters, KATHLEEN and ELSIE worked in FLEMING'S packing room during 1950s. Younger brother KEN has worked at FLEMING'S three times. Eldest brother ERNIE got self job at FLEMING'S. Explains. ASHBY relatives also worked at FLEMING'S. ASHBY'S have been on pay roll since 1946. Siblings work at FLEMING'S. Details.

08'40" EARLIEST MEMORIES. Recalls. A lot of RABBITS about then –a source of income. Describes how father caught rabbits. A market for whole carcass — processed in MATAURA. Price paid in late 1940's. Details. Rabbit part of family diet. Details. Reference OTAMITA RIVER; MATAURA RIVER; MANDEVILLE; RABBIT BOARD; RABBIT CALICI VIRUS; HOKONUI HILLS; MATAURA.

11’00” Recalls ate CREAMOATA for breakfast. ROLLED OATS not so common - OATMEAL and CREAMOATA main oaten products. Not really aware of FLEMING'S when young 'we were hillbillies if you like' (EXPRESSION). Explains. Doesn't recall being in FLEMING'S BREAKFAST CLUB but aware of SERGEANT DAN — 'a healthy little boy scout'. Mentions SERGEANT DAN or CREAMOATA PACKET not on MILL building then.

14’00" Had an 'excellent' CHILDHOOD. Older siblings helped mother raise family. Self third youngest in family. A close family — a three bedroom house. A fair amount of DISCIPLINE. Describes. Honesty important.

15’40" POCKET MONEY - collected bottles, caught rabbits 'you had to work for it'. Went to PICTURES in RIVERSDALE - sixpence to get in. Recalls. Reference BUTELS; MATAURA; TAPANUI; MANDEVILLE.

17'40" Disciplined by parents and older sister - nothing physical. Respected parents.

18'20" MUSIC was 'a very, very big part of our lives'. Describes in detail. PIPE BANDS important then. Mentions family didn't have MOTOR VEHICLE until 1945, travelled by TRAIN to GORE. At CHRISTMAS went to RIVERTON ROCKS. Details. Regularity of trips to GORE. Details. Reference BAGPIPES; CROYDON; RICHARDSONS; CHEVROLET TRUCK; MANDEVILLE.

20'20" Family background ENGLISH and IRISH. Details. About half family played musical instruments. Details. Self played in DANCE BANDS. Details. No formal lessons. Reference TED ASHBY, KENT; MOSGIEL; MATAURA; DUNEDIN; KEN ASHBY.

2240" 'l love READING'. Explains.

23’20" ALCOHOL/SMOKING: Father smoked, not a heavy drinker. Hotel across the road from house. Mother not a drinker. Self a teenager when had first beer.

24’40" RELIGION: ANGLICAN and PRESBYTERIAN churches in MANDEVILLE. Went to SUNDAY SCHOOL. ASHBY's ANGLICANS. Later drifted away from church. Explains. Reference GORE; METHODIST CHURCH.

26'00" POLITICS: 'in those days it was all LABOUR'. Explains. Has never voted LABOUR, always been a TORY.

26'40" EDUCATION (1942 MANDEVILLE PRIMARY SCHOOL; GORE MAIN & HIGH SCHOOL). 'I couldn't wait to get away from school'. Explains. FLEMING’S good at promoting products. Describes. Has own porridge plate. Describes. Reference GORE. Making 'a contribution at home was important to me'. Not expected by parents — a personal thing. Explains. Mentions stayed in old family home for long time, aged 40 when married. Subjects enjoyed. Details. Later realised 'that further education would have been a big help to me'. Explains. School qualifications and age left school. Details. No CAREER ASPIRATIONS 'l just wanted a job'. Later was offered job as 1 apprentice CARPENTER. Reference MANDEVILLE; FLEMING'S.

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00'00" Parents happy for self to get a job, no pressure to pursue career (EMPLOYMENT ASPIRATIONS). Father pleased when self got involved in ENGINEERING. Explains.

00'40" WORLD WAR II: aged two when war broke out. Recalls parents discussing war. Father bought RADIO. Recalls attending PEACE CELEBRATIONS in GORE. Father didn't serve in war (HEALTH). Explains. Uncle BOB ASHBY killed during war.

02’20" Mother played PIANO at DANCES. TOMMY GREEN, MANDEVILLE BLACKSMITH, was 'a real wizard on the violin'. Explains. A lot of people visited home, always MUSIC in house. Reference GORE; MRS SCHULTZ; SILENT MOVIES.

03’20" EMPLOYMENT: Got job with FLEMING'S (1952). Explains. First job to clear machines. Describes. Reference ERNIE ASHBY; CHATTON; PAT FORD; BOB DRYSDALE.

05’20" All grain then delivered in sacks, most came by RAIL. Describes. Large railway network. Details. Grain stooked, thrashed and then bagged. Details. Mentions father worked at THRESHING MILLS. Grain also delivered by lorry, and horse and cart (TRANSPORT). Continues to describe job clearing machines. Reference WAIMEA PLAINS; MANDEVILLE; GORE.

07'00" An enormous number of sacks - two people employed by FLEMING'S to clean and mend sacks. Initially self-employed doing 'bits of everything'. Explains. Mentions lot of FLEMING'S PRODUCTS went out in wooden cases — made on site. Describes.

08’40" CAREER ASPIRATIONS: 'l liked that STEAM ENGINE'. Explains. Offered job by ENGINEER. Same steam engine still at FLEMING'S — generates electricity to run MILL. Explains. OAT HUSKS fuelled STEAM ENGINE — requirements for steam have changed. Explains.

10'40" Thinks FLEMING'S supplied sacks to GROWERS. Sacks kept in 'birdcage'. RODENTS a problem with stacked grain — 'it's a lot simpler today with bulk grain'. Explains. CATS kept to deal with rodent problem.

12’20" A lot of FLEMING'S WORKFORCE 'family people'. Not a highly paid industry. Details. Starting wage about £3.00 per week. FLEMING'S one of main employers in GORE — no major industries. People relied on work in MATAURA- FREEZING WORKS, PAPER MILL. Limited employment opportunities. Explains.

14’20" Decided to stay at FLEMING'S because of opportunity to learn ENGINEERING. Explains.

15’00" FLEMING'S WORKFORCE was predominately male — now nearer 50/50. Details. No women employed prior to 1915. Areas where women were employed when self started. Details. Compares with current situation. Workforce today numbers 34 — ten years ago 91 , decrease due to loss of export market and TECHNOLOGY. Explains. Has mixed feelings about changes - 'particularly when I was involved in implementing a lot of that type of thing, but at the end of the day it's better to have jobs for 34 people than no jobs for 90' (EXPRESSION). Changes in MUSELI PLANT for production of MUSELI BARS. Describes. Reference VERONICA; DAWN; SUE; JO; BLUEBIRD; AUCKLAND.

18'40" Initially paid WAGES - hourly rate. Joined ENGINEERS UNION, not MILL UNION. Explains. Left union when became salaried employee. Explains. Joined PROFESSIONAL GROUPS - still belongs. Details. Reference MARINE & POWER INSTITUTE; ELECTRICAL INSTITUTE, ELECTRONICS INSTITUTE; AUTOMATION CONTROL.

20'20" FLEMING'S MILL now a far safer place to work, 'there are so many things that we do today that are so much better and professional'. Explains. FOOD HYGIENE a big issue today. Type of processing used at FLEMING'S, in past and now, gets rid of many 'micros — c I ' never heard of anyone being food poisoned with porridge'. Cooking temperatures. Details. Reference INTERNATIONAL STANDARDS 9001 (ISO); OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH & SAFETY (OSH), DAIRY INDUSTRY.

22’40" FLEMING'S MILL until late 1970's 'quite dusty' — conditions not good. DUST quite- common in mills. Large sum spent on dust collection during MILL REMODEL. Details. Compares TECHNOLOGY of past with what is now available for dealing with dust. Enormous difference in dust levels today. Describes. Sometimes felt effect of dust when doing maintenance. Describes. Reference WATTIE INDUSTRIES.


28'40" FLEMING'S COMPANY 'more than helpful' when self wanted to undertake further training. Describes. Some training didn't benefit company but they were supportive. A lot of APPRENTICES afterwards — 'l think I was a trailblazer ... prior to that I don't know whether they ever had any trades people trained here'. Explains. Reference GORDON GLENNIE; FORT STREET FLOUR MILL, AUCKLAND; ENGINE DRIVERS; STEAM CERTIFICATES.

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00'20" Early on a number of staff who came to MILL gained their STEAM CERTIFICATES in DAIRY FACTORY INDUSTRY. Explains. When staff retired - ELECTRICIAN (1970), CHIEF ENGINEER (1972) - self took over these areas. Decided to train APPRENTICES. Explains. 'I think that every employer who uses technical ... or trades people should help to train - not all of them do'. FLEMING'S continues to train people. Mention no longer controls engineering area. Reference FRANK CLARK; DOUG ROBINS; EUROPE; UNITED KINGDOM; UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.

03’40" Role as CHIEF ENGINEER (TECHNOLOGY). Describes. Current responsibilities include OSH, FOOD SAFETY, new cultivars programme, and training. Details. Intends to RETIRE early 1999 — a gradual withdrawal. Current title is TECHNICAL MILLING ENGINEER. Reference PETER TAYLOR.

05’40" Advancement in FLEMING'S happened through discussion. Explains. Fond of the STEAM ENGINE 'we're the same age exactly'. Reference DAWN BROCKS.

06'40" Biggest challenge has been that 'FLEMING'S remain in GORE', been achieved through TECHNOLOGY. Important to self that business remains in area. Explains. FLEMING'S now processes other grains — 'we're not just an oat plant any more'. Details. First involved in 'ready to eat cereals' in 1973 — initiated by manager JOHN FOTHERINGHAM, toured overseas. Explains. Reference GRANOLA; VITA CRUNCH.

08’20" Local area is good for growing oats — temperate climate. Explains. Details area. Generations of GROWERS have supplied FLEMING'S — some sell direct, others work through firms. Grain must be good quality otherwise can refuse to accept it 'but they all know the rules. We very rarely have to turn any grain down'. Details. Recalls cases where grain refused — old saying 'we can't make porridge out of straw' (EXPRESSION). A great risk in storing grain that is too moist. Explains. Recalls 'away back a stack going on fire once'. Whole complex is sprinkler protected. Reference AUSTRALIA; SOUTHLAND; DRUMMOND; TAPANUI; QUALITY ASSURANCE; MOISTURE METERS.

12’00" To keep FLEMING'S in GORE has involved efficiency, quality and technology. Explains. Main competition in AUSTRALIA - raw materials a big factor. Explains. Reference TRANS-TASMAN FREIGHT; SOUTHLAND.

14’40" 1978/79 MILL REMODEL the highlight in working career — 'it showed me that WATTIE INDUSTRIES, at the time, were confident in the GORE business unit'.

15’20 1950's refit of machinery - old ROBINSON CREAMOATA PLANT replaced. Explains. Major change in process has been in PRODUCT from granular to flaked oaten product — to meet change in consumer demand. Details. PLANT known by different names. Details. Mentions FLEMING'S family owned mill until 1953. Now more demand for MILK OATES than ROLLED OATS. Reference NORTHERN ROLLER MILLING COMPANY, AUCKLAND. 1 17’20" 1978/79 MILL REMODEL (cont'd): was the SITE ENGINEER. Also had outside help. Details. 'We did' most of redesign of MILL. GENERAL MANAGER travelled to NORTH AMERICA and EUROPE. Own involvement. Details. REMODEL took 19 months — 'a running remodel'. Describes. A busy time for self. Seeing it finished 'that was good — it started to look like what a modern cereal mill should look like'. Reference AUCKLAND; SIMONS & BUHLER, AUSTRALIA; GERMANY; JOHN FOTHERINGHAM; AUCKLAND.

20'20" 1978/79 MILL REMODEL (cont'd): impact on own work —took away some workers but put 'more pressure on the technical people' (TECHNOLOGY). Explains. Changes resulted in increased efficiency 'but you've got to keep your finger on it' (EXPRESSION). Explains. 1 Current state of MILL good. Maintenance schedule. Details.

23’40" WAGES: when started told FLEMING'S didn't pay high wages. Nowadays 'l think the wages are quite good here'. Compares with AUCKLAND wages. Mill EMPLOYMENT CONTRACT covers everyone UNION delegate visits mill.

25’00" When own EMPLOYMENT STATUS changed 'started to see things quite differently'. Explains. Current reporting procedures. Details. A proper structure and JOB DESCRIPTIONS important — didn't have one when first started. Move to management also depends on how get on with staff — 'l find a good team of people here'. Attitude to managing staff. Describes. Reference DAWN BROCKS.

28'00" OWNERSHIP OF FLEMING'S: 1954 became PUBLICLY LISTED COMPANY -financial problems. NORTHERN ROLLER MILLING COMPANY cut CHRISTMAS BONUS, introduced SUPERANNUATION SCHEME. When self started company was 100% FLEMING'S, with each sale it became smaller part of large company 'but you learn to accept that'. Change in 1954 didn't make a lot of difference to self except saw company grow. Welcomed later change when FLEMING'S acquired oaten business from ASHBURTON and TIMARU — meant more business and more work. Explains. Reference NEILL CROPPER HOLDINGS LIMITED - CROPPER NRM LIMITED; GOODMAN FIELDER INTERNATIONAL; AUCKLAND

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00'00" Main impact of changing OWNERSHIP OF FLEMING'S has been dealing with different individuals. Not sure how company would be if stayed under FLEMING'S - reasons for sale to NORTHERN ROLLER MILLING COMPANY. Explains. FLEMING'S used to have own SALES STAFF, then MARKETING taken over by W.F. TUCKERS. Later came under BLUEBIRD FOODS. Details. Now deal with snack people rather than milling people. Impact on FLEMING'S. Explains. BLUEBIRD FOODS make decisions about PRODUCT, direction of FLEMING'S. Feels marketing decisions should be made locally 'from the roots — people who understand porridge'. Reference WIRI, AUCKLAND; WAITIES; GOODMAN FIELDER INDUSTRIES; HEINZ.

04’00" FLEMING'S in GORE only one in existence. Other factories have been closed or sold. Details. CHAMPION FLOUR MILLS still part of GOODMAN FIELDER. COMPANY takeovers. Details. Doesn't think changes in PARENT COMPANIES concerns MILL workers. Main impact has been REDUNDANCIES which resulted after FLEMING'S lost OAT BRAN business to AUSTRALIA. Reason for oat bran boom during 1980's and how lost AUSTRALIAN market. Explains. Mentions still sell oat bran to bakers. Reference INVERCARGILL FLOUR MILL; CHRISTCHURCH FLOUR MILL; NELSON; CHAMPION; HEINZ; FOOTSCRAY MILL, MELBOURNE; QUAKER; ANCHOR; UNCLE TOBY'S, AUSTRALIA; WATTIE INTERNATIONAL; HEINZ; CROPPER NRM LIMITED; GENERAL FOODS; PAT GOODMAN; GOODMAN FIELDER WATTIE; FIELDER GILLESPIE.

10'00" FLEMING'S market mainly in AUCKLAND - FREIGHT a problem. Reason MILL is in GORE is because it is a good grain growing area. Explains. Describes. In old days quite a few small mills around SOUTHLAND. Details. Other advantage of MILL being in GORE — staff and don't have to transport OAT HUSK. But if new oat mill built 'you probably wouldn't build it in GORE, you'd build it nearer the market I would think'. Explains. Reference GORTON STREET; EASTERN SOUTHLAND; GREEN & RICHARDSON; INVERCARGILL; TOM, HERBERT & ANDY FLEMING; CANTERBURY; AUSTRALIA; HAMILTON.

12’40" Cost of TRANSPORT - FLEMING'S dealt with RAIL for many years. BLUEBIRD FOODS recently changed to road transport. Explains. Reference WIRI, MANAKAU CITY.


21 '20" Some excellent things have come out of ISO 9001 — particularly standardisation and uniformity. Explains. Thinks most staff enjoyed ISO process. Maintenance of standards on-going. ISO all about 'doing what you say you're doing'. Explains. Decisions referred to AUCKLAND but 1 'generally we would control how we actually make the product'. Reference BLUEBIRD FOODS; FIONA CAMERON.

24’40" DAWN BROCKS has real advantage in being manager as she knows 'what makes FLEMING'S tick'. Explains. Not aware of any reaction to a female manager — 'DAWN is one of the team', excellent manager.

25’40" Relationship between MANAGEMENT and STAFF good, apart from REDUNDANCY years. Explains. Reference MALCOLM COLE; CLAIRE TAYLOR. 26'20" Most STAFF permanent workers. Average service about 19 years. Details. Also temporary workers when need arises. MILL hours. Details. Reference COLIN WRIGHT; CATHY WILLIAMS.

2740" CAREER ASPIRATIONS: JOHN FOTHERINGHAM wanted self to consider management but wanted to stay in ENGINEERING ELECTRICAL area. Explains. Reference STAN STATON.

2840" STAFF loyalty benefits FLEMING'S. Explains. Staff able to contribute ideas — also run a 'fix it' system. Describes. Reference AUCKLAND; OSH.

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00'20" STAFF/MANAGEMENT RELATIONSHIP: staff able to contribute ideas to management. Explains. A good relationship - 'l believe that just about all people on site here are friends'. Staff socialise outside of work. MILL has a SOCIAL CLUB - details functions. Reference DAWN BROCKS; STEWART ISLAND; CENTRAL OTAGO; TAERI GORGE.

0’200" STAFF/MANAGEMENT RELATIONSHIP (cont'd): 1991 first STRIKE at MILL. Background. Explains. No real bitterness after strike though 'you get the odd individual that gets a bit cranky and anti' — they don't stay. Explains. Mentions FLEMING'S MILL has operated for 120 years. How difficult issues dealt with. Explains. MILL has a set of HOUSE RULES. Details.

04’20" Lot of GRAIN SUPPLIERS very loyal to FLEMING'S. Explains. Price set before grain sown — it is related to all grain prices. Explains. TRANS TASMAN rates very competitive. Price set by FLEMING'S with input from head office. CLIMATE biggest influence on OAT supply. Explains. Impact on suppliers. Explains. Reference AUSTRALIA.

08'20" 1998 oat crop okay — very good colour. Important oats don't sit in paddock too long. FLEMING'S grain buyer visits suppliers. FIELD DAYS held — look at new crop varieties. Describes. FLEMING'S involved in development of NEW CULTIVARS - contributes financially. INTELLECTUAL RIGHTS held by developer. Grain samples analysed by self. Describes. Compares old standard ratio between GROAT and HUSK with new cultivars. Better yield for miller but less fuel for boiler — need for balance. Reference LES WYATT; CROP & FOOD; CROP MARK; ROBERT SAUNDERS, DRUMMOND; KEITH ARMSTRONG; LINCOLN.

11 '40" FLEMING'S PRODUCTS: were developed by FOOD TECHNOLOGISTS on-site - now done at WIRI 'l was a wee bit disappointed to lose (them) from here'. OAT BRAN product developed at FLEMING'S — a blend. Describes. CREAMOATA developed earlier this century. Explains. 'I think that FLEMING'S would have the TRADE MARK for that'. Other products have been around for some time. Details. Reference FIONA CAMERON; NARVAN CHANDRA; AUCKLAND; FOOTSCRAY, AUSTRALIA; NORTH AMERICA; EUROPE; UNITED KINGDOM.

15’00" FLEMING'S PRODUCTS (cont'd): company keeps up with trends through BLUEBIRD marketing. A lot of business now in industrial - bulk bags -decline in retail area. Explains. Big clients. Details. Products mainly sold in NZ, export trade has declined. Explains. Reference SANITARIUM; REAL FOODS; BRUCE, SHIPPING CLERK; ASIA; GORE; UNCLE TOBY'S; MELBOURNE.

17'00" Challenges of developing new product — porridge market small, risk that will take some of own business away. Explains. Reference DICK HUBBARD

18'20" Highlights with products — FLAKED OATS come a long way, now biggest product. Explains. Flaked oats has variety of uses. Details. Reference YELLOW & RED CREAMOATA; OATMEAL; MUSELI; ROLLED OATS, MARGARET (ASHBY)

19'20" Factors that affect sales — health concerns. Explains. Early on people ‘ate porridge because that's what you did' - price also a factor. Explains. Thinks porridge probably still cheapest cereal product. Reference DR ANDERSON, KENTUCKY, USA; CREAMOATA; ROLLED OATS; ASHBY FAMILY.

22’20" Rolled oats most important individual FLEMING'S product, though whole grain flakes quite popular. MILK OATIES own favourite. Explains. Processing of flaked products. Describes in detail. What has for breakfast and preparation. Describes. Reference CREAMOATA; OAT BRAN; OATMEAL.

25’40" Development of SERGEANT DAN. Explains. Important image for promoting FLEMING'S products in past — no longer on packaging but on wall. 'DAWN and I would like to see him on the packaging, along with the FLEMING'S logo'. Explains. Decision about packaging made in AUCKLAND. Explains how figure of Sergeant Dan came to be erected outside factory in 1982. Icon 'part of whole FLEMING'S history for me'. Wonders what children today would think of Sergeant Dan — children visit MILL. Reference STAN ADAMS; ERROL ALLISON.

30'20" Originally marketing decisions made in GORE and CHRISTCHURCH.

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00'00" GOVERNMENT LEGISLATION which affects FLEMING'S includes FOOD REGULATIONS; RESOURCE MANAGEMENT ACT. Explains in detail. Type of discharge from FLEMING'S has changed over years. Describes. Now an environmentally friendly factory — burn BIO FUEL (ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES). Reference SOUTHLAND REGIONAL COUNCIL; GORE.

03’40" Own attitude to RESOURCE MANAGEMENT ACT - 'if it's going to tidy the environment up for the future, yes by all means' - and other LEGISLATION. Explains. TECHNOLOGY used to detect unwanted fragments in product. Have had complaints 'and we regard them very, very seriously'. MICROS not common in the CEREAL MILLING INDUSTRY. Explains. Reference DAIRY INDUSTRY; MEAT INDUSTRY; AMERICA.

05’40" Compares FLEMING'S with similar factories 'l think we measure up very well now. Still working on FOOD SAFETY, as are other NZ factories. Involves HAZARD ANALYSIS CRITICAL CONTROL POINTS - a FOOD SAFETY ISO. Describes. Internal auditing undertaken by CLAIRE TAYLOR, external by PEAT MARWICK. Reference WELLINGTON SERVICE STATION; AUCKLAND.

07'40" Is team leader in FOOD SAFETY, also involved with OSH — a lot of things to do in that area. Explains. Also involved in training area. Implementation of some legislation difficult because of age of FLEMING'S MILL. Explains. Alterations made to deal with infestation problems. Describes. Reference MEDITERRANEAN FLOUR MOTH; RUST RED WEEVILS.

10'40" Strengths of FLEMING'S — proximity to grain growing area, loyalty and availability of staff. Explains. Weaknesses — distance from market 'threat of other people supplying our markets'. Reference CANTERBURY.FLEMING'S contributes millions of dollars to local economy. Details. Future of FLEMING'S very good but people's eating habits changing - not sure where cereal products will fit into that. Would like to see FLEMING'S 'have its own autonomy and control from here but obviously that's not going to happen because we are part of a big group'. Advantage of local control — important growers and producers closely involved. Explains. Reference NORTH AMERICA; AUCKLAND; DAWN BROCKS; LES WYATT.

15’00" Thinks BLUEBIRD very aware of importance of the 'heritage brand' FLEMING'S history. MUSEUM recently established. Current manager DAWN very aware of FLEMING'S past 'she's going to be a real strength to FLEMING'S, she's really got a feeling for the place'. People regularly visit MILL but have to turn down many requests for tours. Explains. Museum and images on building contribute to FLEMING'S PR. However only local marketing - not out in market place as was in the past. Explains. Would like to see a return to past marketing techniques but that alone not enough - needs of marketing today different. Explains. Reference OSH; GORE.

19'00" 1958 married MARGARET SCURR. Three children RONALD, ANTHONY, CHRISTOPHER. They used to eat porridge for breakfast but now choices far wider. Self the only porridge eater in home. No family members involved with FLEMING'S.

20'00" RETIREMENT: why has decided to retire in 1999. Explains. Feels alright about retiring. Reference KAKA POINT; DOUG ROBINS; RIVERTON ROCKS; PETER (?)

21 '40" Own contribution to FLEMING'S (TECHNOLOGY/MILL REMODEL). Describes. 'It's been a challenge ... one of the reasons that I stayed here was there was always something else that was going to happen and needed to be helped along'. Reference EXPLOSIVE DUST ACT; RESOURCE MANAGEMENT ACT; BUILDING WARRANT OF FITNESS, INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS.

2320" If starting out again difficult to say if would work for FLEMING'S — 'I'd probably stayed at school longer ... I was pretty young when I came here'. Has enjoyed working at FLEMING'S and 'the company have been good to me'. Explains. Reference CHRISTCHURCH; AUCKLAND.

2420" Has very strong interest in RUGBY, likes SPORT in general. Reference GAL BLACKS. DOUG ROBINS and FRANK CLARK had 'a very strong influence on what I did'. Explains. Also other people in MILL have been influential. Details. Reference JACK TUTTY; LES MAIN.

26'00" Most satisfying time at FLEMING'S has been MILL REMODEL. Explains. Reference WAITIES; GORE.

26'40" DOUG ROBINS - MARINE ENGINEER - and FRANK CLARK -REGISTERED ELECTRICIAN - excellent people and very good at their professions — role models. Explains. FRANK CLARK gave self all his books which still has. Also has other books 'I'm a real hoarder'. Reference HILLSIDE FREEZING WORKS; MAKAREWA FREEZING WORKS; MATAURA FREEZING WORKS; MARGARET ASHBY.

28'00" In the future — 'MARGARET and I are going to the beach' - cottage at KAKA POINT. Describes. Will live there full time.

28'40" Thinks FLEMING'S have been fortunate with their managers — 'they were all good to me and always had my backing'. Reference MR DOUGHTY.

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  • 1998

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