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Abstract of Muriel Anne GERKEN, 2021

 Item — Box: 43
Identifier: H04400002


Muriel Anne Gerken

Interviewer: Cathy Macfie

Abstractor: Cathy Macfie

First Interview: 23 March 2021


00.04 Interview identification

00.50 MURIEL ANNE GERKEN, nee CURTIS born in 1945

01.05 Interview agreement

01.48 End of Track 1


00.06 FAMILY BACKGROUND Early vague memory of living with MATERNAL GRANDMOTHER at GAP ROAD EAST, WINTON. Never saw father until he moved them to INVERCARGILL when she started school. Explains.

01.06 Father...
bought land at MARAMA AVENUE NORTH, OTATARA. Built two-room shack. Describes. Mother had old SINGER TREADLE SEWING MACHING. Beautiful SEAMSTRESS. Given longed-for pony FIDGET. Inseparable. Explains. HORSE-RIDING experience. Describes.

02.10 Spent time at McGOLDRICK’S old RIDING SCHOOL. Describes location on main road [DUNNS ROAD] – area where park and bike track is today.

03.17 EDUCATION. PRIMARY SCHOOL BULLYING. Explains. “I had lovely frocks. They had hand-me-downs.” CLOTHES

03.45 Life-long FRIENDSHIP with JOHN TRESIDDER (neighbour) when 7 or 8 years. Neighbour [KORIMAKO ROAD] and horse rider. Explains. Mentions IRWEN BLACK’S RIDING SCHOOL.

05.55 OTATARA SCHOOL. Same place [DUNNS ROAD] but smaller with two teachers. Explains. CORPORAL PUNISHMENT accepted as ‘normal’. Explains. “You are all going to get the strap whether you need it or not!” Children huddled round POT BELLY STOVE for warmth – no guard. SAFETY. Enjoyed PRIMARY SCHOOL apart from BULLYING. Explains.

09.05 Father built small house on MARAMA AVE N. land. More comfortable. Describes. Mother emptied outside toilet weekly. Explains. HYGIENE

10.20 End of Track 2


00.05 EDUCATION. INVERCARGILL TECHNICAL COLLEGE ‘TECH’ Started at 13 years. Became a ‘tearaway’. Describes pranks with UNIFORM and on BUS JOURNEY home. Ritual of “lipsticking” on last day at school. Explains. FRIENDSHIP with MARILYN McLEW [sp?] now BATES. Together “wagged” classes. Explains. Annoyed HELEN CHRISTIE, music teacher. MISS THORNTON “really strict” PRINCIPAL gave frequent detentions. “Lipsticked” on last day. Describes.

03.30 FRIENDSHIP with AILSA McLOUGHLIN across road. Part of mini-gang including BILL CHRISTIE. Met RAYMOND GERKEN. Instant attraction. Explains. When her mother moved to Winton, Muriel lived with Raymond’s family until they married (15 years to 20 years old). Explains.

05.15 Mother made beautiful WEDDING “frock”. [Photo on file] Father didn’t like Raymond. Explains. Married at FIRST CHURCH; reception at ANDERSON PARK. Parents left before DANCE. Mentions.

06.12 Built FIRST HOME on father’s land MARAMA AVE. N. before marriage. FLOATING FOUNDATIONS. Mentions. Both worked on house before work. Explains. EMPLOYMENT with CRAIG PRINTING CO. Raymond a BUILDER. Finished first part of house before wedding and moved in.

07.04 HONEYMOON in QUEENSTOWN for couple of days.

07.15 House still standing. Describes location. Mentions Raymond’s brother WILLIAM (and Dawn) who stayed in crib (may originally have been a shop) on section. Became SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST PASTOR in Australia. Crib later demolished. House layout described as “boomerang”. Explains.

08.35 Muriel collected HORSES – up to 5 at one time, held at various places. Mentions McGOLDRICK’S and SADIE SMITH. Rode AMIGO and TABITHA would follow freely. Describes reaction of woman on corner of ERSKINE ROAD as TABITHA crossed her lawn. HUMOUR. Father finally bought land for her at BLACK ROAD.

10.22 Section covered in LUPINS and RUSHES. Father advised on LAND MANAGEMENT. Explains. Alfred AICKEN [Wendy Ferguson’s father] sprayed lupins. Son MARK wandered. Tied bell on him. Explains. OTATARA a safe community. Rode through BORSTAL BOYS’ paddocks from BLACK ROAD to HURUHURU ROAD. “Harmless bunch.” BLACK ROAD section approx. 12 acres, originally owned by SADLIERS. Explains. First lived in “TIWAI HUT”. Describes. New house built by Raymond and brother JIMMY.

15.00 End of Track 3


00.11 Experienced difficult birth with son MARK. Explains. Second son JASON born three years later.

01.05 Brought HORSES to BLACK ROAD property. RAYMOND constructed outbuildings. AVIARIES. Explains. Stories of parrot antics. HUMOUR. Many pets buried on property. Explains.

03.35 Visits to parents for Sunday lunch. Explains. MARK developed close relationship with grandfather.

04.40 Serious ACCIDENT when MARK fell through glass door and cut artery. Describes. Muriel working at THE GRAND; Raymond shifting sheep to “safe paddock”. Explains. Details story of accident and aftermath.

07.35 [Graeme] COCKROFT approached MARK to become driver for EVE POOLE (MAYOR OF INVERCARGILL). Then joined ‘COCKROFT’S COWBOYS’. [Traffic Police]. Explains. [Glen] COCKROFT still OTATARA based.

O9.55 OTATARA a close COMMUNITY. “Very few people”; “no fancy houses”. GILSONS next door. Mentions. Recalls Four Square shop much smaller; PETROL STATION at TANGEY’S CORNER [Ariki/Dunns Road]. IAN TANGEY still lives locals; will have stories.

11.30 TAFFY WELSH lived across BLACK ROAD. House built by DOUGIE AICKEN [Wendy Ferguson’s oldest brother]. He built several “nice houses” in OTATARA on BLACK, VYNER and ORETI ROADS. Other local builders included ERSKINES and GERKEN.

13.50 TAFFFY WELSH triggered Muriel’s love of RUNNING when he invited her to run with him. JASON had HAIRDRESING APPRENTICESHIP with GEORGE HOWEARD at DANGEROUS RHYTHM. Then worked at BRONZE CONNECTION. Now [2021] setting up own business.

15.02 End of Track 4


00.01 Describes JASON’S hairdressing initiative. JASON and Muriel shared love of RUNNING. Describes ORETI BEACH and SANDY POINT circuit, taking 3-4 hours. Often running in dark with head torch; never felt unsafe. Mentions encounters with cyclist GRAHAM HYDE. Still running (shortened) routes in 70s. Describes. Recalls running MEMORIES. between her and JASON.

06.30 MAMMOGRAM reveals BREAST CANCER. Recalls return home “put on running shoes and ran and ran and ran.” Caught early and breast removed within week. 52 years old. Acknowledges surgeon MURRAY PFEIFFER for excellent result.

11.10 End of Track 5

Second Interview: 8 April 2021


00.02 Introduction to second interview. Focus on area north of Oreti Road.

00.26 End of Track 6


00.03 Rode regularly from BLACK ROAD along the “Gallop Track” to JACK GALBRAITH’S HUT. Rarely saw him. “Bit of a hermit.” Recalls good riding to river and over gravel pits. Free-following horse Tabitha would swim in river. After GALBRAITH, NEIL McCALLUM kept tracks clear. JASON and friend would camp there, Recalls a 2 a.m. rescue in wet weather.
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  • 2021

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